Conversation Partners
Conversation Partners are a type of tutor, or peer mentor, who give students an opportunity to speak and ask questions in a supportive space with feedback related to language, culture and discourse strategies. Our goal is to help students feel competent and confident joining the conversations (academic and social) that are taking place all around them at St. Olaf.
To request a partner, please meet with Anne.
Interested in working as a Conversation Partner, please contact Anne.

Adaptations to Testing for Multilingual Students
St. Olaf professors are committed to making course content accessible to all students. The St. Olaf College Statement on Instructional Adaptations to Testing Procedures aims to support students whose first language is not English during their first and second years of study at St. Olaf.
The professor always has discretion as to when it is or is not appropriate to offer alternate testing formats, such as time-and-a-half or verbal clarification of exam questions, if a student could “show what they know” given a little more time to process in English.
Advice from former students…