Chart of Accounts Structure
As part of the transition to Oracle, a new account coding string was created. As much as possible, the values that were used in Lawson will remain the same in Oracle. However, they may have changed to a different account segment. Please contact if you have questions about what account coding to use.
Lawson Account Structure

Oracle Account Structure

G/L Account Values
A listing of the account segment values can be viewed from the Financial Reporting page of Oracle. Under the “System Reports” section, select “Chart of Account Values.” An Excel file will be automatically downloaded. You can then search for a value to see what account segment it is categorized as.
Lawson to Oracle Mapping Table
A mapping table was created to help determine the coding that should be used in Oracle based on what was used with Lawson. Only account segment combinations that had been used in Lawson since fiscal year 2021 will be included in the mapping table. The mapping table is available at the following link.
Please note that this mapping table should not be used for grants or capital projects. Please contact Greta Anderson ( if you have questions about how to code to a grant. Please contact Tara Thieling ( if you have questions about how to code to a capital project.
Cost Center Access
As of August 2024, cost center security access controls have been changed. Employees can now charge expenses, invoices, and view reports for any cost center, though charges still need to be approved and accepted by that cost center manager. This change was made to improve processes and reporting for faculty and staff so that all can have access to the information they need. Please note that employees are expected to only access information on the St. Olaf system when it is necessary in the course of their duties. Employees are expected to maintain the confidentiality of college information data.
Cost Center Managers
A cost center manager is responsible for approving expenses and invoices to the cost center that they are responsible for managing.
A listing of the cost center managers can be viewed from the Financial Reporting page of Oracle. Under the “System Reports” section, select “Cost Center Manager Report.” Select “Apply”, and then an Excel file will be automatically downloaded. You can then search for a cost center to view the respective cost center manager.