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Chicago Oles: Alumni Social & President Singer Visit
October 14, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
St. Olaf alumni are welcome to attend a social evening at SPIN I CHICAGO along with a visit from St. Olaf President, Susan Singer. Register here: https://stolaf.alumniq.com/index.cfm/events:register/home/eventId/6419
This event offers a unique opportunity to:
- Network and socialize with local alumni.
- Explore a unique venue with open ping pong tables throughout.
- Enjoy delicious food, a complimentary drink and meet President Susan Singer.
- Date: Monday, October 14th
- Time: 6:00 to 8:30 PM
- Location: SPIN I CHICAGO
- Address: 344 N. State St. Chicago, IL 60654 (Between W. Kinzie & W. Wacker)
- Attire: Snappy Casual/Business Casual
- Admission: FREE (includes food, drink ticket, and ping pong)
- RSVP: Required by October 10
We look forward to seeing you there!