New Tenure Track Faculty Welcome Reception
Kings Dining Room, Buntrock CommonsNew Faculty, please join us for the New Faculty Welcome Reception!
New Faculty, please join us for the New Faculty Welcome Reception!
The St. Olaf Community is welcome to attend this year’s Opening Convocation. St. Olaf College will usher in the new 2024-25 academic year on Thursday, September 5 in Boe Memorial Chapel. This official opening of the academic year includes a welcome from Zari Irving, President of the Student Government Association, an address titled "Giving Attention Some […]
Faculty and Staff are invited to a garden party at the President's House to celebrate the first day of classes for the 2024-2025 academic year. Beverages and hors d'oeuvers will be provided. This event is part of the yearlong celebration of St. Olaf College's 150th anniversary. During the 2024-25 academic year, St. Olaf will celebrate its […]
CFSS is a program that supports First Gen, Multicultural/BIPOC, and Low-income students
What do you know about the founder of our college whose bust in Old Main has a very shiny nose? What were his intentions for establishing our institution? Why is there little mention of him on campus 150 years after its founding? All are welcome to join Professor Kari Lie Dorer from the Norwegian Department […]
Northfield Public Library will be coming to Rolvaag Library to allow students, staff and faculty to sign up for a library card and learn about their resources.
St. Olaf is celebrating LGBTQIA+ History Month with: "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Gay Man" featuring Patrick Scully When: Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 @ 6pm Where: Viking Theater Please RSVP Here The Taylor Center is thrilled to be collaborating with Northfield Pride and the Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies for this event! […]
Get your annual flu and Covid-19 vaccine on campus Oct. 2-3!
Get your annual flu and Covid-19 vaccine on campus Oct. 2-3!
All are welcome to attend Homecoming and Family Weekend hosted by Alumni and Parent Relations