Baseball at Simpson College
Indianola, Iowa / McBride FieldBaseball at Simpson College Streaming Video:
Baseball at Simpson College Streaming Video:
The chapel speaker today will be Hassel Morrison, Vice President for Student Life. Daily Chapel is a time of inspiration for body, mind, and spirit; a quiet harbor in a busy day; worship. Students, faculty, and staff witness to their faith and invite the community to join them. All are welcome! If you are unable […]
SOUDIO artists' residency investigates models of personal financial investment and mutual aid to redress inequitable socioeconomic systems.
The St. Olaf Handbell Choir will be presenting a concert following their tour. Jill Mahr, conductor. This event is free and open to the public
Daily Chapel is a time of inspiration for body, mind, and spirit; a quiet harbor in a busy day; worship. Students, faculty, and staff witness to their faith and invite the community to join them. All are welcome! If you are unable to join us in person but would like to watch live or archived […]
peed networking event with public health students and public health professionals.
In observance of Ash Wednesday, today’s service will include the burning of palms and imposition of ashes. Daily Chapel is a time of inspiration for body, mind, and spirit; a quiet harbor in a busy day; worship. Students, faculty, and staff witness to their faith and invite the community to join them. All are welcome! […]
The members of the St. Olaf's Director of Athletics Search Committee are pleased to share that an outstanding group of finalists will visit the campus to interview in a wide range of meetings with members of the St. Olaf Community. These visits will enable us to know the candidates more fully, and equally important, will […]
Ash Wednesday; Service of Holy Communion and imposition of ashes. If you are unable to join us in person but would like to listen to live or archived chapel services, please click the web link below.