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St. Olaf Virtual Book Club

Please join us for the next book club discussion on Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer on Saturday, March 22 at 10 a.m. (EST). Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster is a 1997 bestselling nonfiction book written by Jon Krakauer. It details Krakauer's experience in the 1996 Mount Everest disaster, in which […]

Sunday Morning Worship: 3rd Sunday in Lent

Boe Memorial Chapel

3rd Sunday in Lent; Sunday Worship with Holy Communion. Associate College Pastor Katherine Fick will deliver the sermon presided by College Pastor Matthew Marohl. James E. Bobb, Associate Professor in Music and the Cantor for the Student Congregation, will assist. Sunday Worship is a time of inspiration and worship for body, mind, and spirit; a […]