Mindfulness Monday- finals edition!

Tomson 210

Jenna Wieden, Director of the St. Olaf Counseling Center, will be hosting a four week series of sessions on the practice of mindfulness. Participants will learn and practice these skills and have the opportunity to ask questions at each session.  This session is focused on concrete steps that can be taken to support students during […]

Mindfulness Monday

Tomson 210

Jenna Wieden, Director of the St. Olaf Counseling Center, will be hosting a four week series of sessions on the practice of mindfulness. Participants will learn and practice these skills and have the opportunity to ask questions at each session.  Learn more at http://stolaf.presence.io/event/mindfulness-monday

Mindfulness Monday

Tomson 210

Jenna Wieden, Director of the St. Olaf Counseling Center, will be hosting a four week series of sessions on the practice of mindfulness. Participants will learn and practice these skills and have the opportunity to ask questions at each session.  Learn more at http://stolaf.presence.io/event/mindfulness-monday-2

Mindfulness Monday

Tomson 210

Jenna Wieden, Director of the St. Olaf Counseling Center, will be hosting a four week series of sessions on the practice of mindfulness. Participants will learn and practice these skills and have the opportunity to ask questions at each session. .  Learn more at http://stolaf.presence.io/event/mindfulness-monday-3

Mindfulness Monday

Tomson 210

Jenna Wieden, Director of the St. Olaf Counseling Center, will be hosting a four week series of sessions on the practice of mindfulness. Participants will learn and practice these skills and have the opportunity to ask questions at each session.  Learn more at http://stolaf.presence.io/event/mindfulness-monday-4

Mindfulness Monday

Tomson 210

Jenna Wieden, Director of the St. Olaf Counseling Center, will be hosting a four week series of sessions on the practice of mindfulness. Participants will learn and practice these skills and have the opportunity to ask questions at each session. The entire series will be repeated in April.  Learn more at http://stolaf.presence.io/event/mindfulness-monday-5