Japan Studies, Waseda University Study Abroad Virtual Info Session
VirtualAll current students are invited to attend the Japan Studies, Waseda University Study Abroad Virtual Info Session hosted by the Smith Center for Global Engagement.
All current students are invited to attend the Japan Studies, Waseda University Study Abroad Virtual Info Session hosted by the Smith Center for Global Engagement.
All current students are invited to attend the DIS Study Abroad/Away Program Info Session hosted by the Smith Center for Global Engagement.
All current St. Olaf students are invited to attend the American University in Cairo Study Abroad/Away Information Session hosted by the Smith Center for Global Engagement. Attend this session to learn more about the semester study abroad/away program.
All St. Olaf students are invited to attend the College Year in Athens Study Abroad/Away Program Info Session hosted by Smith Center for Global Engagement.
St. Olaf students are welcome to attend an information session about studying the Japanese language in Japan. To learn more about the academic year and semester study abroad program at Waseda University. Register here for the session - https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrdOGppzwpH9PREh2ZOP56jkBu8Ik2Ajmd Learn more at http://stolaf.presence.io/event/japan-study-waseda-university-study-abroad-program-virtual-information-session
Grab your lunch and join our annual webinar, hosted by Orientation and Transition Experiences, to gain insight on New Student Orientation (NSO) for our new Oles coming to campus this fall.