Contacting your camper
Coaches/directors/instructors and camp counselors, through many years of experience, have found that campers generally have a better experience if they do not receive phone calls from or make calls to family or friends while they are at camp. Please limit your communication with your camper.

Messages to campers
If you need to leave a message for a camper, please call the camp message service at 507-786-3031. You may leave a detailed message at this number at any time of day or night; messages will be checked frequently from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and will be delivered in a timely manner. After 5pm, the on-call number 507-786-3311.
Mail to campers should be addressed as follows:
Camper Name
STO Name of Camp
1520 St. Olaf Avenue
Northfield, MN 55057 – 1098
Mail will be delivered to camp counselors daily. Mail received after the camper has left will be returned to sender – so please include your return address.
Medical Authorization
All registered campers will need to fill out a medical authorization form upon registration.
Dietary Needs
We can accommodate most dietary needs, please contact us with any camper allergies.
Our staff cannot administer medications to campers. All campers must administer their own medications. A small refrigerator unit is available in each room in the residence halls. However, camp staff will hold medications in a secure area.
Emergency Notification
In the event of a medical emergency, every effort will be made to immediately contact parent(s)/guardian(s).
Automated External Defibrillators
AEDs are located all around campus and are available for use in the event of a medical emergency.
In the event of a medical emergency that requires professional medical attention, Northfield Hospital is the primary care facility. Northfield Hospital is located just two miles north of campus.