The St. Olaf Choir is a treasured ensemble at St. Olaf College and the purple robes worn by its members (new in 2015–16 with a purple Norwegian cross insignia) are a visible symbol of musical passion and excellence. For generations of choir members, donning the distinctive garb represents a significant individual artistic achievement and signifies a shared responsibility to represent the college through outstanding choral performance. The robes are a collective commitment to the choir’s mission, message, and legacy.

In 2001 St. Olaf began a robe sponsorship program that provided the opportunity for a powerful connection between current choir members and friends of the college who choose to celebrate the St. Olaf Choir’s legacy. Sponsorships are available at $3,000 per robe and are recognized with a personalized gold embroidered label sewn inside the robe. Sponsors can choose who they’d like to honor or memorialize, and donor and honoree names are listed below. Sponsor labels from retired robes are on display in Alumni Hall.
If you have any questions about this process, e-mail Music Organizations or call 507-786-2161.
All robe sponsorship gifts are tax-deductible contributions to St. Olaf College to the extent allowed by law. Robe sponsorship gifts will be counted toward reunion campaigns and in the St. Olaf Fund.
Click Here to Sponsor a St. Olaf Choir Robe
St. Olaf Choir Robe Dedications and Honorariums
In Memory of Roald Revne,
Proud Grandpa to
Erik, Nathan, Jonah Berthelsen
St. Olaf Choir Members
2014-2017, 2015-18, 2017-2020
Given by
Melissa and Mike Berthelsen
Given by John E. Peterson ’71: 50th Anniversary Year: 2021
To remember Prof. William C. Benson — a member of the first
St. Olaf Choir: 1912
who married my parents in 1947 and baptized me in 1949
In loving memory of Treva Foss-Thoms
St. Olaf Choir member (1992-1995)
Given by Dr. Jason Thoms ’96 and many family and friends
In memory of John Nolan
Son of Jensine King Nolan ’75
St. Olaf Choir member
Given by her roommate Jane Auld Linker ’75
In honor of ARGO
St. Olaf Choir Member (1952-55)
Given in loving memory by Fubar Friends of Lars Kindem ’55
In honor of Jean Strohm Parish ’88
4th Manager of the St. Olaf Choir
Given by Doug Greene ’88 and Barb Manning
In honor of Evan Quinnell
St. Olaf Choir Member (2012-14)
Given by Mark and Susan Quinnell ’80
In honor of Robert and Cora Scholz
St. Olaf Choir members under Olaf Christiansen, choral directors, and voice teachers
Given by Tim Wentzlaff
In memory of Thomas W. Keckley
father of J.W. Keckley ’17
given in loving memory by family and friends of Tom Keckley
In honor of Molly (Mary Margret) Sell
St. Olaf Choir member (2005–07)
Given by Margaret Dwyer Sell ’68
In honor of our sons Aaron W. Grossman (St. Olaf Choir, 1995-98)
and Daniel B. Grossman (St. Olaf Choir, 2000-03)
with gratitude from Michael Grossman and Margaret Rosso Grossman
In memory of Orv Wold ’36 and Fritz Eikeland ’36
Given in loving memory by Dave Wold (St. Olaf Choir member 1965–67) and Cathy Eikeland Wold
In honor of Kate Huebner
our daughter/granddaughter) and St. Olaf Choir member (2006–09)
Given by Paul and Becky Huebner (parents) and Sonja Hillestad (grandmother)
In memory of Dr. Kenneth Jennings and in honor of Dr. Anton Armstrong
with gratitude from Dr. Julie Buckley (St. Olaf Choir member ’88-91) and Dr. Joan (Naglestad) Buckley ’52
Given by Joen Jacobsen
St. Olaf Choir member (1951-53)
In honor of our sons, Brent R. and Todd B. Benjamin
St. Olaf Choir members (1978–81 and 1986–89)
Given by Roger and Nancy Benjamin
In memory of Bernice (Nicki) Nycklemoe Hanson
St. Olaf Choir member (1951–54)
Given in loving memory by George E. Hanson
In honor of
Hannah Elizabeth Paulson
Our daughter
St. Olaf Choir Member 2021-2024
Given by
Peter & Terese Paulson
In appreciation of
the St. Olaf Choir
and Anton Armstrong
Given by Jennifer L.
and John J. Stoltenberg M.D. ’68
In honor of Ardis Holstad Cox
St. Olaf Choir Member (1966–68)
Given by Gilmer and Doris Holstad
Given by Dr. Thomas P. Monson
In honor of Daniel Kunau
St. Olaf Choir member (1957–60)
Given by Janet Kunau ’62 and Martha Kunau ’90
In honor of Sara Kunau
St. Olaf Choir member (1990–92)
Given by Dan ’60 and Jan Kunau ’62
In honor of Martha Kunau
St. Olaf Choir member (1988–90)
Given by Dan ’60 and Jan Kunau ’62
In memory of Oriet Fardal Thompson ’34
Given by Miriam Thompson Hussey, Virginia Balter, and Rosemary Fielder
In honor of Ralph and Marilyn Haugen
Given by the Haugen Family
In honor of Robert Johnson
for serving the choir for 37 years
Given by Robert W. Carlson ’59
In memory of Kenneth Waisanen (1964–90)
St. Olaf Choir member (1984–87) — Soli Deo Gloria
Given by Sara Dean
In memory of Inez Frayseth (college registrar)
and Mark Almli (dean of men)
Given by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sawartzky
In honor of our daughter, Megan Hoffman Gibbs
St. Olaf Choir member (1998–2000)
Given by David and Linda Hoffman
In memory of Douglas H. Yock ’37
St. Olaf Choir member (1933–37)
Given by Doris E. and Douglas H. Yock Jr.
In loving memory of Dr. Kenneth Jennings
Given by Mary Brauer Delk ’71
In memory of Paul Manz
friend of St. Olaf
Given by Mary Brauer Delk ’71
In honor of L. Christine Hubbert Wertman ’69
St. Olaf Choir member (1968–69)
Given by Donald and Roberta Wertman
In memory of my husband, Eric M. Heggeseth
St. Olaf Choir Member (1969–72)
Given in loving memory by Christine Schroth Heggeseth
In memory of my mother, Margaret Bestul Russell
St. Olaf Choir member (1923–24)
Given by Kathryn Russell (St. Olaf Choir member, 1957–60)
Given by Robert Clayburgh
St. Olaf Choir Member (1971–74)
In honor of Carol Nelson Lang
St. Olaf Choir member (1968–71)
Given by Rick Lang ’71
Donated by Sandra Walters
In gratitude for a life filled with the appreciation and enjoyment of choral music sparked by Dr. Regis Shalley
Bach Choir of Pittsburgh, Miami Choral Society, Choral Society of Penascola
In loving memory of our mother
Charlotte Alexander Althoff
St. Olaf Choir member
class of 1943
Given by her children
In honor of Bernt Julius (B.J.) Muus
teacher, mentor, friend
Given by John K. Beed
In memory of Kathleen Olson Ohm
St. Olaf Choir member (1941–44)
Given by Brian Ohm (St. Olaf Choir member, 1978–80)
In memory of Ronald Axel Nelson
St. Olaf Choir member (1946–49)
Given in loving memory by Betty Lou Oleson Nelson
In memory of Alice and Arthur Arntzen
my mother and father
Given by Alice Arntzen Stehn (St. Olaf Choir member, 1957–58)
In honor of Lisa (Curry) Bogh and Cassandra Bogh
St. Olaf Choir members (1982–85 and 2009–12)
Given by Charles and Lisa Bogh
In memory of my husband, Stanley E. Thorson
who loved to hear us sing
Given by Ruth Sanden Thorson (St. Olaf Choir member, 1945–47)
In memory of Dr. Robert and Helen Quello
Given by Edgar and Marlene Engstrom
In memory of Roma Anfinson Rethwisch
Given by David J. Rethwisch
In honor of Jeremy Paul Bierlein
Given by Paul A. Bierlein
In honor of Ruth A. Steen Hauck
St. Olaf Choir Member (1943-46)
Given by Sevrin G. Steen ’50 and Patti Steen
In memory of Alfhild Everson, Esther Boe, and Gertrude Boe Overby
St. Olaf Choir members (1924-28,1930-34, and 1919-23)
Given in loving memory by Arne Everson ’66 and Ellen Everson
Given by Charles G. Hinde
In memory of Edith Glasoe Kildahl
St. Olaf Choir member (1913)
Given in loving memory by John and Joyce Kildahl
In memory of David Christopher Hall
St. Olaf Choir member (1987-88)
Given by family of David Christopher Hall
Given by Colonel Joseph & Elaine Huseth
In appreciation of Ardis Liebenstein ’52
For her dedicated care of choir robes
Given by St. Olaf Music Organizations and Dr. Anton Armstrong
In honor of my parents Patricia and John Strohm ’49
(St. Olaf Choir member 1948–49)
Given in loving memory by Jean Strohm ’88 and Doug Parish ’88
In honor of Music Organizations managers past and present
Given by BJ Johnson and Jean Strohm Parish

Retired Robes
The following sponsorship labels were retired in 2015 when the St. Olaf Choir received a new set of robes. Many of these labels can be viewed on display in Alumni Hall. We remain grateful to these donors for their generous contributions.
Retired Robes
In memory of Stephen E. Schoenbaum
Given by Friends of Stephen E. Schoenbaum
In memory of James Robert Schlicting
St. Olaf Choir member (1947-50)
Given in loving memory by his Daughter Joyce L. Schlichting and Grandsons Kimbert and Elin
In memory of Sigfred Wilbur Peck ’74
Given by Denise L. Peck
In honor of Jesus for the gift of music
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee
Given by Ann M. Scott
Given by Rick and Julie Frost
In honor of Ed Gass
St. Olaf Choir member (1950-52, 1954-55)
Given by Lars Kindem
In honor of Carolyn Solmonson Norquist
St. Olaf Choir member (1953-55)
Given by Lars Kindem
In honor of P.G. Schmidt
St. Olaf Choir manager 1912-49
Given by Lars Kindem
In honor of Frederick A. Schmidt
St. Olaf Choir member 1927-1931
St. Olaf Choir manager 1949-1972
Given by Lars Kindem
In honor of Ella Hjertaas Roe
St. Olaf Choir member (1912-30)
St. Olaf College voice faculty
Given in loving memory by Lars Kindem
Given by Neil A. Kjos
In honor of Maynard Johnson ’55
St. Olaf Choir member (1953-55)
Given by Lars Kindem
With praise to God
For the ministry and artistry of the St. Olaf Choir
Given by R. Hugh and Nancy Tims Magill
In honor of Arvid L. Lokensgard
St. Olaf Choir member (1961-63)
Given by Rev. Fritjof Lokensgard and Helen Lokensgard
In memory of Maxine Kadletz Lokensgard
St. Olaf Choir member (1933-36)
Given by her family
In honor of Evelyn Rinde Anseth
Given in loving memory by Russell J. Anseth
In memory of Phyllis Ingeborg Hard Blodgett ’43
St. Olaf Choir Member (1940-43)
Given in loving memory by her children
In memory of William J. Tonkin
St. Olaf Choir member (1937-39)
Given in loving memory by Marjorie Tonkin and family
In memory of Julie Sands
Given in loving memory by her parents
H.A. “Bill” Sands ’50 and “Jo” Sands
In honor of the Class of 1958
And in loving memory of Ingrid and John Nygaard
Given by Irene Nygaard Arens ’58 and Alvin A. Arens
In memory of Valborg Kjösness Mohn
St. Olaf Choir member (1920-22)
Given by Margaret Mohn Spear
In memory of our mother, Edith Hjertaas Charlston
St. Olaf Choir member (1916-18)
Given by Peter Charlston ’58 and Rolf Charlston ’53
In memory of Margaret Bernice Anderson ’37
Given by Bruce Babcock and Barbara Vang
In honor of Ellen Rein McDonnell
St. Olaf Choir member (1930-32)
Given in loving memory by Patricia and David Halsor
Given by Harriet J. Kildahl
In honor of Gladys Weeks Nelson & Clarence Nelson ’31
St. Olaf Choir member (1931-32)
Given in loving memory by Friends and Family
Given by David H. Hussey
Given by Oriet H. Thompson
In honor of our sons Aaron W. Grossman (St. Olaf Choir, 1995-98)
and Daniel B. Grossman (St. Olaf Choir, 2000-03)
with gratitude from Michael Grossman and Margaret Rosso Grossman
To the Glory of God and in honor of Kenneth Waisanen
St. Olaf Choir member (1984-87)
Given in loving memory by Sara Lynne Dean ‘88
In honor of Greta E. Frank
St. Olaf Choir member (1998-99)
Given in loving memory by The Frank Family
In honor of Elizabeth Day Wee & in memory of Rev. Morris O. Wee ’28
St. Olaf Choir member (1929-31)
Given by Joseph and Lucia Swanson
In honor of Nancy Engdahl Robson
St. Olaf Choir member (1975-77)
Given in love by sister, Dr. Kristen Engdahl Hoffman ’74 and goddaughter, Sarah Elizabeth Hoffman ’04
In honor of Ellen Clark Olson
St. Olaf Choir member (1955-58)
Given by Dr. Clyde L. Olson
In honor of Kenneth L. Jennings
St. Olaf Choir member (1946-50) and St. Olaf Choir conductor (1968-90)
Given in appreciation by Sidney A. and Lois M. Rand
In loving memory of Oscar Husby
St. Olaf College Board of Regents (1966-80)
Given by Pearl Husby
In honor of John A. Strohm
St. Olaf Choir member (1948-49)
Given in loving memory by Jean Strohm Parish and Doug Parish
In honor of Olaf C. Christiansen
St. Olaf Choir conductor (1941-86)
Given in appreciation by Ronald A. Flugum
In honor of Valeria Angelbeck
St. Olaf Choir member (1925-27)
Given in loving memory by The Family of Valeria Angelbeck
In honor of Rev. Conrad M. Thompson
St. Olaf Choir member (1937-39)
Given with grateful hearts by Roe & Beverly (Thompson) Hatlen
In honor of Swanhild (Tverberg) Thompson ’41
Given with grateful hearts by Roe & Beverly (Thompson) Hatlen
A gift to St. Olaf College from the family of
Dr. Steven M. Schwaten ’72 and Susan Porter Schwarten ’74
Given by daughter Jorie and son Jeffrey
In honor of Anton E. Armstrong
St. Olaf Choir member (1976-78) and St. Olaf Choir conductor
Given in appreciation by Sidney A. and Lois M. Rand
Given by Barbara G. Kjos
In honor of Isaac Paul Paulson
St. Olaf Choir member (1926-27)
Given in loving memory by Nyla Paulson Alford
In memory of Avis Holmgren Evenrud
St. Olaf Choir member (1949-52)
Given in loving memory by Jerry A. Evenrud
In honor of Agnes B. Schlichting
St. Olaf Choir member (1946-50)
Given in loving memory by her Daughter Joyce L. Schlichting and Grandsons Kimbert and Elin
In honor of B.J. Johnson
St. Olaf Choir manager
Given in appreciation by the Paul A. Willsie Company
In honor of our 50th Class reunion
Given by Paul & Louis (Wold) Christenson ’55
St. Olaf Choir members (1952-55)
In honor of Elsa Christiansen Wycisk
St. Olaf Choir member
Given by Neil A. Kjos
In honor of A.B. “Bud” Engen ’42
St. Olaf Choir member (1941-42)
Given with grateful thanks and appreciation by Robert ’49 and Rosalle ’50 Moninger
In honor of Helen Arvensen Engen ’46
St. Olaf Choir member (1944-46)
Given with grateful thanks and appreciation by Robert ’49 and Rosalle ’50 Moninger
In honor of Michael C. Sween (1971-2004)
St. Olaf choir member (1990-93)
Given in loving memory by his wife and family
In honor of Dr. Michael Thomas Messina
St. Olaf choir member (1982-86)
Given by the people of Trinity Episcopal Church, Indianapolis
Magnus Peter Urnes, M.D. ’17
St. Olaf Choir member (1915-17)
Given in lovely memory by his family
In memory of Harold and Phyllis Ause
With grateful thanks, Mike and Donna Wolsted
In honor of Roger H. Tenney ’52
St. Olaf Choir member (1950-52)
Given by Mike and Donna Wolsted
With grateful thanks and appreciation
for service and guidance to young people
Given by an anonymous donor
With gratitude to The St. Olaf Music Faculty and Staff
Given by Mitzi and David Scott
In honor of Deanne Zibell Weber
St. Olaf Choir member (1989-91)
Given by Donald & Luella Zibell
In honor of F. Melius Christiansen
St. Olaf Choir Founder and Music Director (1912-41)
Given in grateful appreciation by Douglas W. Greene
In honor of Julie Chistiansen
St. Olaf Choir member (1963-64)
Given by an anonymous donor