2024-25 Schedule Unless noted otherwise, all session are during Community Time (Thursdays 11:30-12:30, lunch will be served)
If any of the acronyms below are unfamiliar to you, please consult the St. Olaf Dictionary of Acronyms (SODA).
Fall Semester
September 12: Check in with Mentors; Observing Classes for Growth (Sun Ballroom)
October 10: St. Olaf Culture: What New-ish Faculty Wish They’d Known (TT-only) (Black Ballroom)
October 17: AI-Where are we now and what does it mean for communities of teachers and learners? (RNS356AB) (Part of the regular CILA program — new faculty are encouraged to RSVP and attend)
November 14: Requesting and Responding to Student Feedback (BC 210)
December 5: Leveraging your St. Olaf Experience (NTT-only) (RNS 356AB)
December 10: End-of-Semester Celebration. (4:00-5:30 pm; location TBA)
Spring Semester
February 7: Spring Semester Kickoff and Happy Hour (Imminent Brewery)
February 20: Faculty Thriving-Meaningful Service at a Residential Liberal Arts College (BC 210)
March 5: Beyond St. Olaf-Leveraging your St Olaf Experience (NTT-only) (3:30-4:30, The Loft-4th Floor DISCO in RML)
March 27: Faculty Thriving-Getting Ready for Reviews (TT-only) (BC144)
April 24: Faculty Thriving-Getting Ready for Advising (BC 210)
May 9: End-of-Year Celebration (3:30-4:30 pm; RML West Plaza)