What is it?
ChatGPT is the latest generation of their large language model-trained chatbot. Originally trained to mimic human conversation, the chatbot is now able to produce a wide array of responses to prompts, including conversation, essays, stories, song lyrics and poetry, computer programs, create and take tests, and much more. A key feature of the chatbot is that it “remembers” previous interactions and can build on previous prompts and responses.
Where did it come from?
ChatGPT is a project of OpenAI, a group founded in 2015 as a non-profit by leaders in the tech industry with the intention of developing friendly Artificial Intelligence (AI) that would benefit all humanity. Its original goal was to be completely transparent, sharing all research and patents open to the public. This group transitioned to a “capped” for-profit organization, in order to be able to better attract top talent and offer stakes in the company.
How does it work?
Essentially, ChatGPT makes use of its massive training set of language, taken in large part from the web in the form of books, articles, blog posts and forums, and through the use of human training on what are illogical and logical responses, predicts the next most likely word or token (e.g. punctuation) to occur, given the previous words/tokens produced. In essence, it calculates the next most likely word to occur, given the previous words and sentences. Because it considers everything that has come before, it is able to create not only sensible sentences, but also documents having a familiar and expected structure.
Generative AI Technologies: Beyond ChatGPT
What can it do?
One of the most impressive features of large-language models (LLMs) is its ability to create a multitude of text types based on the dialogue format used to train it. By prompting/asking it to create a certain type of text, the tool is trained to create text that best conforms to the request, meaning it will attempt to create whatever you ask it to do. Not only can it generate virtually any kind of prose or poetry in various level of formality, it can also produce reviews, critiques, and summaries of texts given to it, it can create tests or quizzes and answer them, or create programming code. Additionally, it not only responds with accurate responses to requests for texts in different styles or formats, but it can also mimic the style of well-known authors.
AI Literacy: A Framework
AI literacy, as defined by Laupichler et al. (2023), encompasses the ability to comprehend, utilize, assess, and critically evaluate AI applications, even without the capacity to develop AI models. This skill set is not limited to technical fields, highlighting its broad applicability. Laupichler et al. offer a valuable summary and comparison of recent studies and frameworks related to AI literacy, serving as a beneficial starting point for educators interested in teaching AI skills. It’s worth noting that existing studies and frameworks may need adjustments in light of the introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022 and the rapid progress in AI tools. Nonetheless, these frameworks provide a solid foundation for integrating AI literacy into educational curricula.
For instance, Ng et al. (2021) delineate four key skill categories.
AI literacy skill set |
Provided definition |
Potential current uses |
“Know & understand AI” |
“Know the basic functions of AI and how to use AI applications.” |
Integrating the history of AI tools; orienting students to the basic elements and limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs); identify relevant AI tools for student use in courses and when/how to use them |
“Use & apply AI” |
“Applying AI knowledge, concepts, and applications in different scenarios.” |
Using AI as a tutor, as a reviewer of student-produced work for a course, etc. |
“Evaluate & create [with or in] AI” |
“Higher-order thinking skills (e.g., evaluate, appraise, predict, design) with AI applications.” |
Evaluate the bias and accuracy of AI-produced content; create with tools that use AI technology or create AI-based tools. |
“AI ethics” |
“Human-centered considerations (e.g., fairness, accountability, transparency, ethics, safety).” |
Providing space to discuss course-specific and discipline-specific intersections of ethical AI use; debating these boundaries and applications, etc. |
“[New AI Skill]” |
“[Definition of the new AI skill].” |
[Potential uses of the new AI skill] |
AI in the Classroom
Ideas for Incorporating its Use
With clear instructions and a transparent process, it can be possible to incorporate AI in your instruction. From using fully-constructed essays as a beginning and not the end point to using the AI to generate topics or outlines for writing, teachers are beginning to develop ways to live with and leverage the possibilities that AI presents. Here are a few ideas:
Deconstructing an AI-constructed text
Ask students to identify core features of the text and critique and improve upon the AI
Grading the AI
Given an AI-generated essay, have students grade it against a rubric used in the course
Verifying information
Have students attempt to verify factual claims in a text, using trusted resources
Create counterarguments
Students ask the bot to provide counterarguments to their thesis in order to strengthen their own arguments.
Ideas for Limiting its Use
No writing assignment where students have internet access will be entirely AI-proof. That said, here are some ideas for crafting assignments that will prevent its wholesale use by students:
Process writing/Scaffolding
Have students complete scaffolded assignments in which they turn in multiple drafts, create outlines, converse about their writing, etc. The Writing Desk can be a great resource for students who are revising their writing.
Local and primary sources
Local and primary sources such as newspapers, archival and museum collections, and original interviews are often not known to AI tools. Crafting assignments that ask students to use such sources can be one way to ensure students produce original writing.
St. Olaf’s College Archives, Special Collections and Flaten Art Museum possess wonderful possibilities for devising student writing and research assignments.
Personal reflection
Have students write reflectively about their own experiences — for example, observing how a plot of land changes over the course of the semester or writing about some aspect of their life as a student at St. Olaf.
Presentations/Oral exams
Having students present their writing and research to you and their classmates can be one way to ensure that students have learned and reflected on the topic at hand.
additional resources
ChatGPT General FAQ
AI Text Generators: Sources to Stimulate Discussion Among Teachers
The Sentient Syllabus Project
Video: “ChatGPT and the Future of Writing Instruction” (WRITE Center/National Writing Project Webinar, 1/26/23)
Slides: “ChatGPT and the Future of Writing Instruction” (WRITE Center/National Writing Project Webinar, 1/26/23)
Resources shared by ChatGPT Panelists and Community of Learners from WRITE Center/National Writing Project Webinar (1/26/23)
Teaching with Writing in the Age of ChatGPT
Presentation prepared by Andrea Scott – Professor and Director of College Writing, Pitzer College – 09/11/23 -
Guidance for Online Course Development and the Use of AI Tools
Guide developed by Oregon State University on incorporating AI tools in an online learning environment. -
“Classroom Policies for AI Generative Tools”
Lance Eaton created a crowd-sourced database of classroom Generative AI policies “for the purposes of sharing and helping other instructors see the range of policies available by other educators to help in the development of their own for navigating AI-Generative Tools (such as ChatGPT, MidJourney, Dall-E, etc).” -
“Schools are teaching ChatGPT, so students aren’t left behind” by Samantha Murphy Kelly, CNN Business, Published 8:28 AM EDT, Sat August 19, 2023