CIR Consulting
Statistics students who are Fellows in the Center for Interdisciplinary Research hold office hours for statistical consulting in Regents 207 (the CIR office). Consulting hours are on Sundays through Fridays.
Any faculty member or staff member who has questions about statistics related to their research or other work are welcome to drop-in during office hours. You may also refer students who are working on independent research projects, capstone projects, or semester-long class projects to visit with data analysis questions. Consultants are prepared to help with data management, statistical tests, and regression modeling in R. Please note, however, that the CIR Fellows cannot provide tutoring assistance; students with statistical questions from regular coursework should contact the Academic Support Center or visit the stat help clinics instead.
Consulting Hours
Sunday, Monday, Thursday 7:30-8:30pm
Tuesday – Friday 3-4pm