Graduation Timeline
- Check with department and/or program on major, emphasis, and/or concentration.
- Optional: Schedule time with coaching staff within the Piper Center for Vocation and Career to begin the job search process, have your resume critiqued, and log on to Handshake to locate jobs in your field of interest.
- Registrar’s Office begins senior audit checks.
- Application for graduation added to SIS accounts. Watch for an email from the Registrar.
- Apply to graduate online using the “Graduation and Commencement Application” form in SIS. This form asks you to verify several items, including how you’d like your name to appear on your diploma and in the commencement program and whether you plan to attend the commencement ceremony. It also requires you to record how you would like your name to be pronounced at the ceremony.
- Review your degree audit carefully and contact the Registrar’s Office if you have questions or concerns.
- If your plans to attend/not attend the commencement ceremony change after you’ve submitted the Graduation and Commencement Application, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
- Be sure to check that you have no outstanding holds with Student Accounts.
- Cap & Gown Orders: All students who ordered a cap and gown for Commencement 2025 will receive an email with information on next steps for regalia.
- Commencement Weekend Registration Tickets for the Illumination Social and Saturday Celebration Brunch can be purchased.
- A sneak peek informational email containing Commencement Weekend information along with registration information will be emailed to graduates before Spring Break. Registration questions may be directed by email to or by phone at 507-786-3031.
- Starting April 17, please complete the Piper Center’s Senior Survey before GradFest to help streamline your GradFest experience. Check your email for the link to the survey.
GradFest will be held Wednesday, May 14 from 9AM – 1PM in Buntrock Crossroads. Visit our GradFest page to learn more about the event.
When ordering transcripts during spring semester, be sure to mark “send after Semester II grades and degree have been posted.” This ensures your degree will be listed. Senior transcripts will be processed and sent after Commencement.
The Financial Aid Office will email instructions to complete a REQUIRED Exit Loan Counseling for Federal Perkins and St. Olaf College Loan borrowers.
Contact the College Events Office (, 507-786-3031) and the Registrar’s Office (, 507-786-3015) if you will not attend graduation and did not note this on your graduation application.
- Reminder: When ordering transcripts during spring semester, be sure to mark “send after Semester II grades and degree have been posted.” This ensures your degree will be listed. Senior transcripts will be processed and sent after Commencement.
- In order to pick up your cap and gown, you must complete the Senior Survey. You may do it in person at GradFest on May 14, or complete the survey ahead of time. Please check your email for the link to the survey.
- Attend one Federal Loan Repayment Session. Date, time and location will be sent via email from the Financial Aid Office.
- Complete required exit loan counseling for Federal Perkins Loan and St. Olaf College loan borrowers by May 12.
- Steam your gown before the ceremony as the gowns come out of the package wrinkled. The Office of Student Activities will have a steamer available for your use during Senior Days.
- Make sure you have no outstanding balance on your student account and no financial obligations to the college prior to Commencement. You will not be able to receive your diploma if you have outstanding fees. Check your account online or call 507-786-3766.
- Senior Days will take place the week of May 22-23, 2024. Check back for more information.
- Attend GradFest Wednesday, May 14 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm in the Buntrock Crossroads.
- On Saturday, May 24 please plan to arrive at the Tostrud Field House for Commencement rehearsal at 12:00 pm in your cap and gown with tassel.
- Follow the end of the year checkout protocol as directed by Residence Life. Information will be available by April 15. Visit Residence Life for details.
- Residence halls and townhouses will close on Sunday 1:00 pm for graduates or those participating in Commencement activities.