Anxiety Series || General Topics 
Presenters in the Re-Imagining Boe House Seminar Series will be recording their seminars. As these recording become available, they will be posted here for streaming. Because the Monday seminars on anxiety are repeated seminars, this site will hold only one recording of each of the three repeating anxiety seminar. The second table includes all other topics.
Note: You must be signed into Google with your St. Olaf email in order to access these videos.
Re-Imagining Boe House Seminar Series: Anxiety Series |
Understanding AnxietyPresented by: Huy Le, PsyD, LMFT |
Video link: .mp4 |
This seminar helps students understand what anxiety is, how it differs from feeling stressed or overwhelmed, how anxiety hi-jacks the part of the brain designed to keep us safe, and what the physiological aspects of anxiety are. | |
Calming the Anxious Body and MindPresented by: Saras Bhadri, PsyD, LP |
Video link: .mp4 |
This seminar gives students techniques and practice in settling their bodies and central nervous systems when anxious as well as maintaining practices that help the body remain settled. Techniques and practices include breathing, mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and more. | |
Working With Anxious ThoughtsPresented by: Anne Breckbill, MSW, LICSW, LADC |
Video link: .mp4 |
Anxious thoughts play an important role in maintaining a state of heightened anxiety. Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) concepts of mindfulness, de-fusion, and expansion, students will learn how to change their relationship to the thought that feed anxiety. |
Re-Imagining Boe House Seminar Series: General Topics |
Self-CompassionPresented by: Meg Witt, Graduate Intern |
Date: March 11, 2021 Video link: .mp4 |
Feeling like you’re stuck in a loop of self-critical thinking? Are you treating yourself as your own worst critic? Come to this seminar to learn more about how you can cultivate treating yourself with kindness, learning to be your own greatest supporter. We will explore how negative thought patterns can affect how you feel and look for ways to rewrite that internal narrative that leads to greater self-compassion. | |
Communication StylesPresented by: Steve O’Neill, MA, LP |
Date: March 18, 2021 Video link: .mp4 |
What’s my communication style? Do I tend to be passive, passive-aggressive, aggressive or assertive? Learn about these communication styles, their impact on you and your relationships. | |
Grief and LossPresented by: Katie Lovrien, Graduate Intern |
Date: March 25, 2021 Video link: .mp4 Grief and Loss Resources |
This seminar will help you understand the experience of grief and loss as well as healthy strategies for dealing with grief. You will learn about both navigating your own personal experiences of loss as well as how to support a friend or loved one who is grieving. | |
Explore Your Inner Love LanguagesPresented by: Huy Le, PsyD, LMFT |
Date: April 1, 2021 Video link: .mp4 |
This seminar will provide information on the theory of love languages, assist you to gain insight into your own love language, explore factors that influence your love language, and explore how your love language impacts various relationships (e.g. peer-to-peer relationships, romantic relationships, etc.) | |
Brainstorm: What our Brains Look Like On StressPresented by: Sarah Swanson, Graduate Intern |
Date: April 8, 2021 Video link: .mp4 |
Ever wonder why stress feels so overwhelming? Looking at the brain can help us understand why we react to stress the way we do. It can also help us understand some mindfulness techniques and stress-relieving steps we can take that help our brains simmer down from the brainstorm of stress. Together, we will learn how to put our brain back online in the face of stress. | |
Emotional Self-AwarenessPresented by: Meg Witt, Graduate Intern & Saras Bhadri, PsyD, LP |
Date: April 15, 2021 Video link: (coming) |
Emotion plays a critical role in our lives. In this seminar, you will learn the functions of emotions and we will discuss ten basic emotions and what they do for us. | |
Break the Cycle of PerfectionismPresented by: Huy Le, PsyD, LMFT |
Date: April 22, 2021 Video link: .mp4 |
This seminar will help you to understand perfectionism, recognize the feelings/thoughts/beliefs that are connected with perfectionism, and identify strategies to break from the vicious cycle of perfectionism. | |
Managing DepressionPresented by: Steve O’Neill |
Date: April 29, 2021 Video link: .mp4 |
This seminar will review the primary symptoms of depression and will focus on coping strategies to best manage the impact depression can have on your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. | |
Relax and Recharge with Contemplative PracticesPresented by: Saras Bhadri, PsyD, LP |
Date: May 6, 2021 Video link: (coming) |
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, for many of us our stress level and mental health symptoms have reached an all-time high. One of the simple ways to reduce the stress and bring balance into our lives is to engage in contemplative practices, which helps to balance our entire system. In this seminar, we will focus on some gentle stretches, breathing practices and meditating together to create a collective healing space. | |
Covid-19 Costs: Dealing with Grief and LossPresented by: Anne Breckbill, MSW, LICSW, LADC |
Date: May 13, 2021 Video link: (coming) |
COVID-19 is a deadly illness, but its price tag is bigger than physical health alone. The secondary losses of this pandemic are painful and far-reaching. This seminar helps students find ways to approach grief about their COVID-19 losses. |
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