If Pertussis is Confirmed on Campus
Confirmed Case: Anyone who is confirmed to have pertussis is required to isolate (follow these instructions) and complete 5 days of antibiotics.
If You Have Been Exposed: As per MDH guidance, timely response to a confirmed case of whooping cough is also necessary for two main groups of exposed people:
- You are a household contact of a confirmed case (i.e., you are a roommate, podmate, live in the same off-campus apartment/house, or were an overnight guest), or
- You are a choir member who was within 6 feet of a confirmed case during a rehearsal or performance.
If you meet the above exposure criteria then you will be contacted by the MDH or the College and told to follow these instructions:
If You Have Symptoms (one of three options):
- Isolate and complete 5 days of antibiotics (you will be instructed to go to Health Services, Urgent Care, or Timely Care, or another medical provider to receive a prescription for the antibiotics); or
- If you do not take the antibiotics then your medical provider will perform a nasopharyngeal swab for lab analysis, and you will isolate until lab results come back negative; or
- Isolate for 21 days (from cough onset) if you do not take the antibiotics and a nasopharyngeal swab is not collected.
If You Do NOT Have Symptoms:
- Complete 5 days of antibiotics and wear a well-fitting mask in public (you will be instructed to go to Health Services, Urgent Care, Timely Care, or another medical provider to receive a prescription for the antibiotics).
- If symptoms arise then return to Health Services, Timely Care, Urgent Care, or another medical provider for further evaluation.
Questions? Contact infectiousdiseases@stolaf.edu.