Research/artistry is a great opportunity for faculty to collaborate with enthusiastic and high-quality undergraduate students, further enriching their education. This can also be a chance to spark a student’s interest in a particular area of study, providing further direction to students in search of their academic niche.
CURI administers three programs that are faculty-initiated: academic year research and artistic activity, summer research and artistic activity, and Magnus the Good Collaborative Fellowships. Each is described below.
Procedures for Academic Year Research Projects
Fall semester timeline and process for faculty
- The first RFP for fall semester 2025 funding will open soon and be due April 15.
- Faculty applications initially open in April and are due at the end of the month.
- The second round of faculty applications open mid-August and are due at the end of the month.
- Faculty members may apply to hire student researchers for a total of at most 20 hours per week, depending on the availability of funds.
- First round applicants are notified of their awards early-May and can begin the hiring process either right away or in the fall. Second round applicants are notified of their awards early-September.
- Faculty who are funded will be “CURI Academic Year Project Leaders” for use on their cv’s.
- Students may not receive academic credit for their CURI project.
- Program runs from the start of classes to the end (before Reading Day); students are expected to get time off during breaks.
Apply for fall funding (closed)
Spring semester timeline and process for faculty
- Spring semester 2025 applications are closed.
- Faculty applications open in October and are due early-November.
- Faculty members may apply to hire student researchers for a total of at most 20 hours per week, depending on the availability of funds.
- Faculty members are notified of their awards mid-November and can begin the hiring process either right away or in the February.
- Faculty who are funded will be “CURI Academic Year Project Leaders” for use on their cv’s.
- Students may not receive academic credit for their CURI project.
- Program runs Monday of the first full week of spring semester through Reading Day.
Apply for spring funding (closed)
Procedures and Criteria for Summer Research Projects
Summer Timeline & Process for Faculty
- Summer 2025 faculty applications are closed.
- Faculty applications open in November and are due very early December.
- Read guidelines for faculty proposals.
- Notifications of project awards, typically Dec 12-22.
- Student applications open in mid January and are due mid February.
- Faculty decisions on student researchers due by early March.
- Student offers early March.
- Student decisions mid March.
- Program runs end of May to early August.
- Faculty who are funded will be “CURI Summer Project Leaders” for use on their cv’s.
- Questions contact CURI at
Apply for summer funding (closed)
Criteria for Funding Summer CURI Projects
CURI funding will depend upon the following criteria.
Stage 1: Scoring for fit with CURI Intended Learning Outcomes The CURI Advisory Committee will assess proposals for their attention to the Intended Learning Outcome (below): 1. The ability to recognize and articulate meaningful questions in the chosen area of study. Stage II: Distributing resources During our in-person meeting, the Advisory Committee will determine the level of support for projects deemed fundable by attending to total demand for projects, number of student researchers, and available financial support from the college. We use the following criteria in that discussion: Ultimately we only fund projects for which students apply. If faculty have someone already in mind when they submit their proposal, the student must still complete the online application. Stage III: Student applications Students will be invited to peruse projects descriptions, and apply for up to three projects for which they would like to be considered. Please do not make promises to students before you review all applications. Formal announcements of acceptance will be sent by the CURI office. Due to the high demand for CURI positions, college funding will be reserved for students planning to enroll in the subsequent Fall following the CURI experience. Why get involved in undergraduate research? What is expected of me as an undergraduate research/inquiry faculty mentor? What are the best ways to inform students of an available position on my research team? How do I order supplies for my project? Can I accept student volunteers for my project? Magnus the Good awards support faculty-student collaborations dedicated to research and/or reflection in any discipline. Supported by the “Magnus the Good Endowed Fund,” these Fellowships celebrate the ideals of the former Paracollege, by encouraging opportunities to extend and apply classroom learning. Initiated in 2003, the “Magnus the Good Endowed Fund,” established by friends of the former Paracollege, honors several important values of the college, including that (1) both faculty and students learn and grow when they collaborate in one-on-one partnerships for research and/or reflection, and (2) students learn well through having opportunities to extend and apply classroom learning. Magnus the Good projects support any and all disciplines. Projects can run in the summer, fall semester, J-term, spring semester, or any combination of terms. Magnus the Good Collaborative Fellowship Details Awards support faculty-student teams with stipends as described above and support budgets of up to $2000. Faculty/student teams needing more than $2000 in support (e.g. if travel expenses are high) can choose to forgo all or part of their stipends. Please contact the CURI Director if this is the case. Funds may be used to: Magnus the Good Collaborative Fellowship Expectations Magnus the Good Collaborative Fellowship Application Process Proposals must be submitted collaboratively by the student(s) and faculty mentor(s) via a Google Form, generally due in mid-March. The information needed includes the following: A review committee convened by the CURI Director will announce recipients of the Fellows by end of March.
2. The ability to conduct research using methods appropriate to the field(s) of study.
3. The ability to find and interpret scholarly and creative works relevant to their project.
4. The ability to explain the research project and present the results to a variety of audiences.
5. The ability to work collaboratively.
Frequently Asked Questions
Procedures and Criteria for Magnus the Good Collaborative Fellowships
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