Kathy Glampe, Director, x3385
Associate Dean of the First Year Experience and Sophomore Thriving
Diane LeBlanc, x3438
Center for Innovation in the Liberal Arts (CILA)
Maggie Broner, Co-Director, x3469
Katie Ziegler-Graham, Co-Director, x3415
Collaborative Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (CURI)
Jill Dietz, Director, x3936
Jane Becker Nelson, Director, x3556
Government, Foundation, and Corporate Relations
Jodi Malmgren, Interim Director, x3375
Information Technologies
Roberta Lembke, Director of IT and Libraries, x3097
Institutional Effectiveness & Assessment
Susan Canon, Director, IE&A, x3647
Kelsey Thompson, Assistant Director of Assessment, x3390
Katie Ziegler-Graham, Director of Assessment, x3415
Kierkegaard Library
Anna Strelis Söderquist, Curator, x3846
Roberta Lembke, Director of IT and Libraries, x3097
Natural Lands
Charles Umbanhowar, Director, x3397
Registrar’s Office
Ericka Peterson, Registrar, x3421
Shaw-Olson Center for College History (College Archives)
Mary Barbosa-Jerez, x3229
Smith Center for Global Engagement
Theresa Heath, Interim Director, x3228
Student Support Services
Brian Greening, Director, x3712