St. Olaf College | Community and Belonging

Survey will gauge campus climate at St. Olaf

St. Olaf College students, faculty, and staff will soon receive a survey that aims to gauge the campus climate.

The Campus Living, Learning, and Working Environment Survey, administered by the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS), will assess campus members’ attitudes, behaviors, and experiences regarding inclusiveness.

The St. Olaf Working Group on Equity and Inclusion, chaired by Regents Glenn Taylor ’73 and Phil Milne ’81, retained HEDS to administer the survey as part of its independent work to identify barriers that exist for underrepresented groups and recommend ways to remove those barriers.

“The survey will provide useful information about the specific concerns and opinions of members of our community, and will also provide useful comparative data with surveys conducted at other similar institutions,” the Working Group wrote in its October 27 update.

The questionnaire, which will be distributed to members of the campus community on November 8, will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete. The Working Group hopes to receive the results in January, and has committed to sharing the results broadly.