St. Olaf College | Community and Belonging

St. Olaf Working Group Update: February 9

Dear St. Olaf Community,

The Working Group on Equity and Inclusion’s findings and efforts to date were presented to the Board of Regents during its meeting last week.

We reported that the college’s mission, which includes being an inclusive community where people of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas come together in a spirit of mutual respect and inclusion, is not being met for all members of our community. We also reported that changing culture in a sustainable, intentional way will be challenging and require ongoing work. We can and should continue to implement needed initiatives, but they will not be enough to quickly change St. Olaf’s culture. The Regents agreed with these conclusions and were very supportive of our work to date.

The Regents recognize and appreciate the complexity and importance of the Working Group’s work. Last spring’s protest led to a commitment by the Board of Regents to actively listen and work to create an inclusive environment for the entire St. Olaf community. The Regents — like the members of our Working Group — recognize that change will take time and persistent effort, and the Regents reaffirmed their long-term commitment.

We discussed preliminary ideas about how the Board can support and help lead this work, including:

  • Incorporating the Working Group’s findings as an integral part of the college’s strategic plan
  • Establishing an oversight structure with a review process to ensure sustained progress
  • Using the Board of Regents committees to hold the college accountable
  • Conducting a deep examination of structural barriers, including St. Olaf’s traditions, through the lens of inclusion
  • Increasing the capacity across the entire campus for students, faculty and staff to be able to handle difficult and sometimes uncomfortable discussions about difference — inside and outside the classroom

The Working Group is thoughtfully considering the approaching May 1 deadline for our report. Our vision is to provide a road map to a positive and enduring transformation of the St. Olaf community. We are heartened by the Regents’ commitment to our efforts, and will need the support of the entire community to make this vision a reality. More to come.

Respectfully submitted,

Glenn Taylor ’73 and Phil Milne ’81
Chairs, Working Group on Equity and Inclusion