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Honoring the Life of George Floyd – Community and Belonging
St. Olaf College | Community and Belonging

Honoring the Life of George Floyd

Dear St. Olaf Community,

On May 25, 2020 — one year ago today — the world witnessed the horrific murder of George Floyd. The 9 minutes and 29 seconds that a police officer knelt on his neck, killing him in broad daylight, became the catalyst for the biggest cry for racial justice that we have experienced. Communities of color, especially the Black community, said “enough!” Streets around the world were flooded with activists not just asking, but demanding, justice and change. Communities rallied together to change their individual and collective spaces. It never should have taken brutally losing the life of one of our brothers for so many to wake up to the realities that many Black and African American members of our communities experience. However, that is what it took.

Today, we choose to honor Mr. Floyd’s life by highlighting the work several of our students have engaged in over the last year. After the murder of George Floyd, colleges and universities across the country were challenged to actively commit to be part of dismantling racism and creating change. Our community responded, and the George Floyd Fellowship for Social Change was established. The purpose of the fellowship is to directly support the advancement and development of the Black/African American community in the United States. The students who participated in the first year of the fellowship developed projects focused on improving the experiences of marginalized communities and advancing the work of racial justice, social justice, and equity. Congratulations to Isaac Coutier ’22, Tashonna Douglas ’21, Destiny Newell ’22, and Joshua Wyatt ’21 for being the first group of fellows. Read their final reflections and learn about their projects:

Isaac Coutier ’22

Tashonna Douglas ’21

Destiny Newell ’22

Joshua Wyatt ’21

I would also like to announce our new fellow for next year: Kay Kay Lewis ’22. Kay Kay will develop a project titled “Lovin’ the Skin I’m In.” She will produce a fashion show that gives Black designers, models, makeup artists, and stylists an opportunity to come together to celebrate their identity. I am excited to welcome her to the George Floyd Fellows cohort!

Today, if you are an ally, use the time to reflect on how you have been an activist in your spaces and have worked to intentionally dismantle systemic and institutional racism. Recommit to the work. Our college pastors have prepared the chapel, which will be lit with candles, and people are welcome to come for prayer, meditation, and/or silence throughout the day.

The verdict of Derek Chauvin, the police officer who murdered George Floyd, was only the beginning. We can’t become complacent, and we can’t forget George Floyd and others who have been murdered. Governor Walz issued a proclamation yesterday asking Minnesotans for a moment of silence at 1 p.m. today for 9 minutes and 29 seconds to honor George Floyd on the one-year anniversary of his death. If you are able, please join us in this moment of silence.

In solidarity,
Dr. María C. Pabón Gautier
Vice President for Equity and Inclusion
Director of the Taylor Center for Equity and Inclusion