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March 2023 – Community and Belonging
St. Olaf College | Community and Belonging

March 2023

A Reflection from the Interim Vice President for Equity and Inclusion:

Dear Campus Community,

March is the time to celebrate Women’s History Month. There have been many women who have made a significant impact on the world. As we reflect on our own lives, think about a woman who has made a big impact on your life, your mother, your grandmother, aunt, or close friend.  As I think about my experiences, my  grandmother was the most remarkable woman in my life. My grandmother was the first person to graduate from high school and pursue higher education in our family. Throughout my life she encouraged education to her grandchildren and was my biggest cheerleader when I made the decision to pursue my doctorate in educational leadership.

My grandmother was a firecracker, life of the party, and such a remarkable and special lady. In addition, “Gran” was the first person with whom I shared any good professional news such as new opportunities. My grandmother passed away at the age of 85 in May and it hit me when I could not pick up the phone to tell her about the opportunity to join the President’s Leadership Team this summer. I remember pausing and thinking to myself: this is the very first time I cannot share my good news.  In the past nine months, I’ve learned that life is too short and that we must treasure each moment with our loved ones because in a blink of an eye it can be gone. I charge each of you to do something special for a female that has made a big impact on your life. 

Wishing you all a wonderful March! 

Dr. Reginald H. Miles
Interim Vice President, Equity and Inclusion

March Days on the Hill 
  • March 2: Dr. Sharon Lane-Getaz, Associate Professor of Statistics and Education, will deliver the Spring Melby Lecture.  Her lecture, titled “The Long, Winding Road of a Career” will   begin at 11:30 a.m. in Viking Theater. It is free and open to the public, and will be streamed live and archived online.
  • March 17- St. Patrick’s Day
  • March 24-April 2 Spring Break

Q+A Panel/Reception Part 2 for Students : Wednesday, March 15, 4:30-5:30pm BC 210
Dr. Hassel Morrison, Vice President for Student Life, and Dr. Reginald Miles, Interim Vice President for Equity and Inclusion will host a Part 2 panel called “Behind the Scenes” for students. The two VPs will answer questions about being on the senior leadership team. The event will be moderated by Marie New and light refreshments will be served. Contact Marina Edlund (edlund1@stolaf.edu) with any questions. REGISTER HERE

A Conversation with St. Olaf’s Women in Leadership: Tuesday, March 21, 12-1 p.m. in BC210

Join five women in leadership roles at St. Olaf for a roundtable conversation on opportunities, challenges, and successes as women in leadership. Refreshments will be served. REGISTER HERE

Meet Members of Our Community:

Staff Spotlight

Name: Marie New

Position: Director of Enrollment Operations

Department: Admissions Office

From: Manila, Philippines; now Eagan, MN

Education: Bachelor of Science, Education, University of Santo Tomas

  1. When did you start your St. Olaf journey as a staff member?
    August 2012
  2. Why did you choose to work at St. Olaf College?
    I heard of this great college up on a hill in Northfield, MN, and was curious about the school. I wanted to do something new and shift careers from the corporate world to higher education, especially, with two young children. The more I researched, the more I liked what St. Olaf is about. 10 years and counting and I still LOVE my job!
  3. What is your definition of an inclusive community?
    For me, an inclusive community is a community that respects all its members, provides access to resources, and promotes equal treatment and opportunities. A community that works hard to eliminate all forms of discrimination and engages all in decision-making processes that affect their daily lives.
  4. What is your personal ‘tagline’?
     Always do better!
  5. No one knows that I…
    am Filipino? like giving hugs? that I say what I think? love my kids, including two puppies? … I am an open book.


President’s Leadership Team (PLT) Spotlight 

Name: Dr. Jo Beld 
  Vice President for Mission

Areas Responsible forInstitutional Effectiveness and Assessment, College Ministry, Lutheran Center for Faith, Values, and Community

From: Jo grew up in a variety of communities because her dad was a career Army officer. Within the continental U.S., she lived in California, Illinois, and Georgia. She also spent seven years in Germany, including all four years of high school.

Education: B.A. Political Science, Bethel University; MA., M.Phil., Political Science, Yale University; PhD. Political Science, Yale University

  • When did you start your St. Olaf journey and when did you join the President’s Leadership Team?
    I came to St. Olaf in the fall of 1984 as a faculty member in the Department of Political Science. I joined the President’s Leadership Team in July 2014.
  • Why did you want to work at St. Olaf College?
    As a graduate of another Minnesota residential liberal arts college, I benefited so much from the chance to learn in community, with faculty and staff who mentored me and other students who befriended and encouraged me. My alma mater was also religiously-affiliated (though in a very different denomination), which allowed me to bring my whole self to my college experience and be intentional in exploring big questions about faith, community, core values, and vocation. For almost 40 years now, St. Olaf has continued to do that for me.
  • What are your core responsibilities as VP for Mission? I oversee the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment, College Ministry, and the Lutheran Center for Faith, Values, and Community. I also serve as the Secretary of the St. Olaf Board of Regents, overseeing the preparations for all its meetings, and working to ensure that the Board has the information it needs to carry out its strategic responsibilities. Finally, as St. Olaf’s Accreditation Liaison Officer, I ensure that we maintain our status as an accredited institution, which is a prerequisite for St. Olaf students to have access to federal student aid and for St. Olaf as an institution to be eligible for federal grant funding.
  • What is your definition of an inclusive community?
    I was part of the group that created St. Olaf’s definition of inclusive community in the “Theory of Transformation” that guides the college’s ongoing DEI work, and it really captures my fervent hope for St. Olaf. An inclusive community is one in which people of all identities express a strong sense of belonging, connection, and agency. Every person feels valued and respected for who they are; every person feels that the community is their community; and every person knows they can make a difference in the community’s life together.
  • Define your leadership style.
    Just this week I attended a workshop that introduced me to a great term for the style I think I demonstrate: “weaver leadership.” I try to bring diverse people and diverse ideas together into a coherent, effective, and inspiring whole. I love the opportunity to connect great people with one another, find common cause, and move great work forward.
  • What is your recommendation for aspiring leaders. Practice asking questions wherever you are, whether it’s with your friends, in class, at work, at home, or in a meeting. The ability to ask great questions and then use what you hear to guide action is key to inclusive and effective leadership.
  • No one knows that… I love to dance

REMINDER: Register for the 2023 DEI Symposium that will be held on Tuesday, April 4.
This year’s symposium will be held in person on the campus of St. Olaf College. REGISTRATION LINK

Taylor Center Events in March


March 3, 3-5 P.M., Buntrock Plaza (Crossroads Fireplace weather alternative)                  

Contact Norma Charlton with any questions

Out for Lunch Series: What Does Belonging Mean to Me?

March 23, 12-2 p.m., Taylor Center Lounge

Contact Damian Waite with any questions

Bias Response 

St. Olaf College is committed to fostering a welcoming community for all students, faculty, and staff. An informed awareness of the climate on campus is an important part of the college’s efforts to create a supportive academic and residential environment for our community. The college does not tolerate any bias incidents toward its community members. The college expects its students, faculty, and staff to refrain from acts of intolerance directed at other members, including (but not limited to) harassment, hate speech, and discrimination. Reporting Bias                                   

What is a bias incident?
A bias incident is any behavior or actions directed against a person or property that includes the use of slurs expressing prejudice on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression, but is not a criminal offense.

Examples of Bias Incidents Include:

  • Using offensive language or slang based on a person’s identity 
  • Offensive social media post
  • Tampering property
  • Violent acts

What are microaggressions?
Microaggressions are brief, common exchanges that are often automatic and unintentional. They include verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative insults to a targeted group or individuals based on race, color, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression.

Examples of Microaggressions include:

  • Comments that single out a person based on their identity
  • Deliberately not using a transgender person’s preferred pronouns
  • Excluding a person due to religious practices

The Bias Response Team contains members of our community and  some of the members serve in an advisory role  with a goal of confirming that each case is addressed.

Members of the Team Include:

  • Derek Kruse, Director of Public Safety (Advisory Group) 
  • Pamela McDowell, Title IX Coordinator (Advisory Group) 
  • Martin Olague, Director of Taylor Center for Equity and Inclusion (Advisory Group) 
  • David Castro, Faculty Representative (Advisory Group)
  • Grace Cho, Faculty Representative (Advisory Group)
  • Christopher Medley (Medley), Associate Dean of Students (Advisory Group)
  • Rosalyn Easton, Dean of Students
  • Leslie Moore, VP for Human Resources
  • Reginald Miles, Interim VP for Equity and Inclusion/ Chair of Bias Response Team 

What happens when a bias incident report is submitted?

  1. The Interim Vice President of Equity and Inclusion contacts the reporting party to acknowledge that the bias incident report has been received. 
  2. The report is sent to the appropriate individuals (below) to manage the case. Appropriate parties are contacted about the case and the cases are investigated. The College’s General Counsel is involved at times due to the severity of the case.
  3. Individuals managing cases will report back to the advisory group with the result of their cases at the end of each month.
  4. Each report will indicate whether the incident is bias and be part of the College’s tracking and reporting. 


  • Student submits a report regarding another student – Dean of Students will manage the case 
  • Student submits a report regarding a faculty member- VP for Equity and Inclusion will manage the case
  • Student submits a report regarding a staff member-VP for Human Resources will manage the case


  • Faculty member submits a report regarding another faculty member- VP for Equity and Inclusion will work with the Provost’s Office 
  • Faculty member submits a report regarding a staff member- VP for Human Resources will manage the case
  • Faculty member submits a report regarding a student- VP for Equity and Inclusion will manage the case


  • Staff member submits a report regarding another staff member- VP for Human Resources will manage the case
  • Staff member submits a report regarding a faculty member- VP for Human Resources will manage the case
  • Staff member submits a report regarding a student- VP for Human Resources will manage the case