St. Olaf College | Community and Belonging

April 2023


Greetings St. Olaf Community,

Thank you to those who attended our second annual DEI Symposium. I hope that you had the opportunity to learn something new and engage in new dialogue.  This month is Sexual Assault Prevention and Stress Awareness Month. Your well-being is very important. I encourage you to take care of yourselves and each other.  

Please remember to utilize the resources that are available: 

Mental Health and Wellness

Physical Wellbeing

Sexual Assault Resource Network

Schedule an Appointment with the Counseling Center

Wellness Center

Have a wonderful April!

–Reginald Miles, Ed.D., Interim Vice President for Equity and Inclusion 





April Events on the Hill

  • April 6 – Passover
  • April 7– Good Friday
  • April 9– Easter Sunday
  • April 13The Lutheran Center for Faith, Values, and Community; The Taylor Center for Equity and Inclusion and the Office of Equity and Inclusion present Dr. Gwen Westerman during Chapel from 11-11:20 a.m.
  • April 14Dr. Westerman’s keynote speech on the Land of the Dakota at 3:15 p.m., Regents Hall 150; Learn more about here visit here and join us for events in person and online.

The Finale of Co-Creating an Inclusive Community

Join us for one of these two sessions:

April 17 from 9 a.m. -10 a.m.

April 18 from 3:30 p.m. -4:30 p.m.

Location: King’s Dining Room

Listen to members of our community share their department’s actions and accomplishments around Co-Creating an Inclusive Community. Share your thoughts on what we should accomplish next. RSVP using the barcode on the flyer below:


Spotlight of the Month: A member of the Board of Regents

Name: Susan Gunderson ’79, P’15

Current Position: Retired Chief Executive Officer, Life Source 

Education: B.S. Nursing,  St. Olaf College
MHA, Master of Healthcare Administration, University of Washington

1. When did you start serving as a board member?

I joined the Board of Regents in 2015 and am now serving in my second term.

2. What are some of your responsibilities on the Board?

I have been privileged to participate in many roles and am currently Vice Chair/Chair Elect for the Board of Regents. As chair of the Board Visioning Task Force we recently completed a process which outlined several goals for the future of the college and established a new vision statement. This critical platform will serve as a leadership agenda for President-Elect Dr. Susan Singer to bring this vision to fruition. My service has also included work on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Community Life Committee, Building and Grounds Committee and Finance Committee.

3. Why did you want to join the Board of Regents?

St. Olaf College provided me with a rich grounding in liberal arts, a platform for profession and personal growth and a network of colleagues who remain close friends. Oles are great people and the college is well positioned to continue to serve as a leading liberal arts institution for generations to come. It’s rewarding to give back and to be part of the dialogue to shape the future and build on the strengths of our faculty, staff, students and alums.  

4. What do you enjoy most about being on the Board?

The chance to be surrounded by others equally committed to advancing St. Olaf in an environment that is continually striving to improve is extremely rewarding. But I would say I enjoy most hearing from students as they learn and grow during their time on the hill, closely followed by the chance to hear from the innovative faculty community so essential to creating the St. Olaf experience.   

5. What is your definition of an inclusive community?

In the briefest sense: creating a place where all are welcome. In my church home, the concept of a fellowship of different but kindred minds walking together is a grounding principle. 

6. How would you define your St. Olaf experience?

For over 40 years St. Olaf has been part of my life experience; I met my husband on campus, our son is a graduate, I’ve hired and worked with countless Oles throughout my career. Being more actively involved the past several years I continue to be inspired by all the people who are part of this community. I am both grateful for President Anderson’s extraordinary service to the college and excited to welcome Dr. Singer later this spring. 

Spring 2022 Staff Survey Results are now available:

This is a snapshot of our staff survey. Information was shared during the March Staff meeting.

Taylor Center Events

Coffee Hour

April 21, 4 p.m., Taylor Center

Contact Norma Charlton with any questions

Oles Against Inequality: Barbershop

Every other Monday, starting April 3, Pause

Academic Success Center: Success Coach Drop-In Hours

Every Monday & Friday, 1-2 p.m., Taylor Center Lounge

Community Through Writing

Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Taylor Center Lounge

Stop by Taylor Center Lounge to write cards to someone you care about. 

Contact Norma Charlton  with any questions 

Remember: We are better together!