St. Olaf College | Community and Belonging

September 2023


Greetings St. Olaf Community,

I hope that you had a wonderful summer. This is one of my favorite times of the year. The weather is transitioning and becoming cooler. In the next few weeks the leaves will start to change and we will soon enter the season of autumn. It is the start of the academic year!

I wholeheartedly welcome all new students, faculty and staff, and a big welcome back to the returning members of our community. The year will fly by – as it always does – so I encourage each of you to enjoy every minute. I am excited to continue our great work in the Office of Equity and Inclusion.

As I would share with prospective students and families, St. Olaf College is a hidden gem and offers many opportunities. Each member of the community should be respected, valued, and heard. Our institution is a welcoming environment and we strive in excellence in having a strong sense of belonging. We have an outstanding year ahead with many programs which will provide additional opportunities for us to engage. I am so excited to learn more about you, your backgrounds, and your work.

Welcome to the 2023-24 Academic Year!

Welcome Home!

— Dr. Reginald H. Miles
Interim Vice President, Equity and Inclusion 

This Summer at St. Olaf

  • Posse Program: We have 19 new Posse students who are new to our community this fall. Our San Francisco first-year cohort will be mentored by Mari Avaloz and our Virtual cohort will be mentored by Norma Charlton. Welcome back to our returning cohorts: San Francisco sophomores mentored by Trish Zimmerman and Virtual sophomores mentored by Eric Hazlett, San Francisco juniors mentored by Corliss Swain, and Chicago seniors mentored by Trish Zimmerman.
  • St. Olaf TRIO McNair Scholars consisted of 28 students. This summer, 10 St. Olaf students were paired with a faculty mentor who guided their participation in an intensive summer research experience. Students simultaneously completed the McNair research writing class taught by Dr. Eric Hazlett who is a TRIO McNair Alum from Colorado. Participants produced research posters and literature reviews and presented their research to incoming TRIO Student Support Services students as well as faculty and staff. They will also present their research at the St. Olaf Research Symposium on October 6.
  • TRIO Upward Bound hosted 106 high school students (rising sophomore, junior, and senior students) as well as 19 rising first-year college students on campus for the program’s annual six-week residential summer program. The 19 rising first-year college students participated in the program’s Summer Bridge component and were enrolled in either a political science course taught by Anthony Lott or a writing course taught by Dan Forstner.
  • St. Olaf College TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) program welcomed 41 incoming first-year students for Summer Bridge — a free, for-credit, month-long summer session designed to orient students to St. Olaf. Faculty members Charles Umbanhowar and Sara Fruehling teamed up to deliver a lab-based microbiology course. Bridget Draxler taught WRIT 109 — a 0.25 credit writing course that introduces students to the basic tenets of college composition. The 2023 Bridge program concluded on Friday, August 25, with the Summer Bridge Poster Presentation.
  • Our Inclusive Excellence Leadership Team has been created. This team will serve as my strategic partner and assist all of us in advancing equity and inclusion work. Members of the team are Corliss Swain, Mari Avaloz, Chang Dao Vang, and Jake Grossman.
  • Our Bias Response Team and Process has been modified. Members of the team are Doug Casson (Faculty Representative/Advisory Group), Derek Kruse (Advisory Group), Pamela McDowell (Advisory Group), Brisa Zubia (Advisory Group), Justin Fleming, and Reginald Miles (Chair).

Upcoming Dates

Taylor Center Opening Reception
Thursday, September 7 | 4:30 p.m. | Buntrock Commons 111, Taylor Center for Equity and Inclusion
This annual event welcomes the St. Olaf Community to the Taylor Center team (professional and student staff) and provides information about the Taylor Center programs and services. We welcome everyone to attend. For more information email

Taylor Center Welcome Social
Monday, September 11 | 4 p.m. | Buntrock Commons 111, Taylor Center for Equity and Inclusion

National Hispanic Heritage Month Begins
Friday, September 15
National Hispanic Month begins on September 15. Please reflect on the Latinx/Latino/Hispanic leaders who have made a lasting impression on our world. Let’s celebrate Latinx/Latino/Hispanic members of the community as they bring their own stories to the St. Olaf experience.
Recommended reading.

Rosh Hashanah
Evening of Friday, September 15–sundown Sunday, September 17

First Day of Fall
Saturday, September 23

Yom Kippur
Monday, September 25

Leadership Voices Q&A Panel for Students
Tuesday, September 26 | 4:30-5:30 p.m. | Buntrock Commons 210, Trollhaugen
Vice President for Student Life Hassel Morrison and Interim Vice President for Equity and Inclusion Reginald Miles will host a panel for students to ask questions about Student Life and DEI.

Hispanic Heritage Month Speaker, Mar Valdecantos
Thursday, September 28 | 4 p.m. | Buntrock Commons 012, Viking Theater
Mar Valdecantos will speak on the issues many Hispanic/Latinx-identifying individuals face in Northfield. Mainly centered on housing, Mar has worked with Northfield City Hall to help improve the conditions of people in the community who were living in poor housing conditions. Learn how she organized and created change here in Northfield. For more information:

Meet Members of Our Community

Spotlight with the Dean and Provost of the College

Name: Marci Sortor 

From: Fresno, California

Position: Provost and Dean of the College, Professor of History 

Areas Responsible for: Oversees the college’s academic program, faculty, and other personnel in the Academic Division. Marci has 10 direct reports, plus 5 Associate Deans.


B.A., History | University of California-San Diego

Ph.D., History | University of California-San Diego

When did you start your St. Olaf journey? 

July 2011

Why did you want to work at St. Olaf College?

The people. I was attracted to St. Olaf because it does so many good things so well. But what made (and makes) me want to be here are the people.

What do you enjoy most about serving as Provost and Dean of the College?

The people! 

I enjoy the opportunity to work with a broad array of interesting, engaged, and talented people on so many worthwhile and important projects and issues. I love helping students and members of the faculty and staff achieve their goals.

What is your definition of an inclusive community?

It is …

A community where we can be our authentic selves, and where we can lift each other up. 

A community where we know that we are welcome.

A community in which we all can thrive.

I am still inspired by St. Olaf’s Vision for Equity and Inclusion

Define your leadership style.

In a college setting, especially in the Academic Division, leadership calls for listening, consulting, pulling ideas together, and a good deal of persuasion.

One piece of advice for our new students:

Find that healthy balance between having faith in yourself and being open to new ideas, challenges, criticism, and pushback — and find the mentors, professors, and friends who can help provide that balance.

No one knows that I

Have to ration my consumption of Cheez-Its.

Spotlight with Senior Associate Dean of Students

Name: Justin Fleming

From: Cleveland, Ohio 

B.A., Religion | St. Olaf College
M.A., Business Management | St. Mary’s University

When did you start your St. Olaf journey as a staff member? 
August 2002 and then returned in September 2005.

What are some of your core responsibilities as Senior Associate Dean of Students?

I serve as the Sophomore Class Dean, assisting students with any questions, concerns, or life or academic issues they have during their time at St. Olaf. I collaborate with faculty and staff to foster a positive and supportive campus climate.

What were you thinking when you drove up the hill for the first time as a student?Why did you want to work at St. Olaf College?

I can learn here.

What is your definition of an inclusive community? 

An inclusive community welcomes and respects all people from various backgrounds and beliefs. A community works together to achieve an environment where all people have the opportunity to achieve their goals and success.

What is your definition of an inclusive community?

An inclusive community welcomes and respects all people from various backgrounds and beliefs. A community works together to achieve an environment where all people have the opportunity to achieve their goals and success.

What is your personal ‘tagline’?

If it is God’s Will…

No one knows that I…

Love watching the show Bluey on Disney.

Dedicated Affinity Groups for Faculty and Staff

If you want to learn more about our affinity groups and how you can get involved, reach out to your colleagues below:

Contact Marie New

Lavender (LGBTQIA+)
Contact Reginald Miles