November 2023
Greetings St. Olaf Community,
As we know there is so much turmoil in the world and we must do everything that we can to take care of ourselves: mind, body, and soul. In addition, we should take care of each other as we are a community and we are better together. It is important to utilize the resources that are available.
Many of us balance much and arrive each day on the Hill striving to do our best. I charge each one of you to meet three new members of the community. This can simply be done by walking across campus, standing in line at the Cage, or engaging with a group of students in Stav — it takes less than five minutes. Remember each interaction is priceless. Community is about relationships and many of us (students, faculty, and staff) selected this fine institution simply because of this nature.
November is a month of being thankful. I am thankful for each of you who take the time to read the DEI newsletters and thank you all for your deep commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
I wish you and your families a wonderful month of November.

— Dr. Reginald H. Miles
Interim Vice President for Equity and Inclusion
Meet Members of Our Community
President’s Leadership Team Spotlight with our Vice President for Student Life
Dr. Hassel Morrison

From: North Carolina, raised in Virginia
Position: Vice President for Student Life
As the Vice President for Student Life, Hassel is responsible for the following: Dean of Students Office, the Counseling Center, The Taylor Center for Equity and Inclusion, Public Safety, Residence Life, Student Activities, Buntrock Commons, Campus Recreation, Wellness Programs, and Student Health Services. Hassel has five direct reports.
B.S., Media Studies | Radford University
M.Ed., Educational Leadership | Virginia State University
Ed.D., Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development | North Carolina State University
When did you start your St. Olaf journey?
Fall 2018
Why did you want to work at St. Olaf College?
When I was recruited to St. Olaf College, I was excited to join a campus community full of energy, excitement, and kindness. It was exciting to join a place where talented faculty partnered with students on research, teaching, and study abroad opportunities. It was a rewarding chance to work closely with creative and passionate staff that do heart work to support students.
What is your definition of an inclusive community?
In essence, an inclusive community strives to create an environment where diversity is not just acknowledged, but it is seen as a source of strength, enriching the collective experience. It is a place where everyone can feel a sense of belonging and contribute to the betterment of the community, irrespective of their background or characteristics.
What is your leadership style?
Situational Leadership: Situational leaders adapt their style based on the specific circumstances and the readiness of their team members. They might be more directive in some situations and more supportive in others.
November is a month of thanks. I am thankful for...
My loving, supportive wife and children. And I am thankful for so many family members who sacrificed and pushed me. I stand on the shoulders of others.
No one knows that I…
Am not fond of dark chocolate, licorice, and coconut.
Staff Spotlight with our Administrative Assistant for the Lutheran Center for Faith, Values, and Community
Dr. Pippa Younger

Position: Administrative Assistant for the Lutheran Center for Faith, Values, and Community
B.S., Mathematics | Lancaster University
Ph.D., Environmental Science |Lancaster University
When did you start your St. Olaf journey as a staff member?
May 2023
Why did you want to work at St. Olaf College?
I have a strong belief in the good that higher education institutions can do in the world, through the teaching of the students so that they can go out into the world to be ‘solution seekers’ and also through the institution’s own engagement with the community. St. Olaf does that well, and I was drawn to that.
What is your definition of an inclusive community?
One in which everyone can feel safe and that they belong.
What is your personal ‘tagline’?
It’s not about me.
November is a month of thanks. I am thankful for…
My family. It is a blessing to be able to come home at the end of the day to be with them.
No one knows that I …
Am tone-deaf.
Save the Date!
Inclusive Excellence Summit (formerly known as DEI Symposium)
Tuesday, April 2, 2024 | 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Join us as we come together to celebrate diversity and recognize our great work in this conference style event. More information to come.
New Initiative!
Experiences of Belonging and Support on the Hill: Interviews with BIPOC Colleagues
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging are extremely important to our campus community. We completed the Co-Creating Inclusive Community Initiative last spring and shared our actions and accomplishments with the community in two open sessions. Unfortunately, our climate survey found that some of our BIPOC colleagues have a lower sense of belonging in the college community compared to other colleagues on campus.
To explore this further, the Interim Vice President for Equity and Inclusion will conduct interviews on “Experiences of Belonging and Support” with BIPOC staff and faculty who have been employed at the college for at least 6 months. We will also conduct focus groups in the spring semester. Results from the interviews and focus groups will be shared with the college community in late spring and used to strengthen St. Olaf College’s path to inclusive excellence.
November Days on the Hill
Dia de Muertos/Day of the Dead Chapel Service
Thursday, November 2 | 11 a.m. | Boe Chapel
Student leaders of ¡PRESENTE! and SOMOS at Boe Chapel. Contact Norma Charlton for more information.
Dia de Muertos Celebration/Celebración de Día de Muertos
Thursday, November 2 | 5:30 p.m. | Taylor Center Lounge (BC 111)
SOMOS, Presente, and The Taylor Center are hosting Dia de Los Muertos to honor and celebrate the lives of the loved ones who have passed. We will have a community altar, traditional food (Tamales, Rice, Jarritos), and open mic. Bring a photo! (photo frames provided) Contact Norma Charlton for more information.
Dakota Spirit Walk
Saturday, November 4 | 11 a.m. | Bus departs from Buntrock | Sign up
Join Carleton and Macalester students to visit the public art presented by Marlena Myles (Spirit Lake Dakota) in collaboration with Todd Boss & supported by Pixel Farm Studios. Buntrock Departure 11 a.m. – Estimated Return: 3:45 p.m. | Transportation and Lunch provided. Contact Martin Olague for more information.
Native American Heritage Month Event – Ernest Briggs & Sara Pillatzki-Warzeha
Monday, November 6 | 6 p.m. | Sun Balloom (BC 225C)
Blossom Johnson is a Sara Pillatzki-Warzeha is a professor at St. Olaf College who is working on the play, “For the People,” at the Guthrie. Ernest is an actor in the same play. “For the People” is a play with an all indigenous cast, centered on the urban Native experience in Minneapolis. Come here from both on their experience and what they hope audiences get out of the play. Contact Martin Olague for more information.
First-Generation College Celebration Events
- First-Gen Chapel Speakers: Athziri Marcial Rodriguez ’24, Jacky Tapia ’24, and Dr. Cassandra Joiner
Monday, November 6 | 10:10–10:40 a.m. | Boe Chapel or via live stream
- Piper Center Open House for First-Generation Students
Tuesday, November 7 | 4–5 p.m. | TOH 270
- Beyond the Hill: First-Gen and BIPOC Alumni Panel
Wednesday, November 8 | 5:30–7 p.m. | TOH 280 | Register
- Building Credit, Budgeting, and Investing
Friday, November 10 | 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. | TOH 210
For Faculty and Staff! What Nourishes You? with Martin Olague
Wednesday, November 8 | 8:30–10 a.m. | BC 144 | RSVP required
Each month, the Lutheran Center invites a staff or faculty member to lead a conversation around what is nourishing them right now. It is a great way to connect with other faculty and staff. Director of the Taylor Center for Equity and Inclusion Martin Olague will lead November’s discussion.
Leadership Part 3 Q&A Panel for Students
Thursday, November 30 | 4–5 p.m. | Trollhaugen (BC 210)
Vice President for Student Life Hassel Morrison and Interim Vice President for Equity and Inclusion Reginald Miles will host the final session on leadership this semester.
Key Dates in November
- November 1–30: Native American Heritage Month
- November 5: Daylight Savings End
- November 7: General Election Day
- November 11: Veteran’s Day
- November 13: World Kindness Day
- November 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance
- November 23: Thanksgiving Day
Social Justice Award Nominations
In alignment with St. Olaf College’s efforts toward diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism, the Faculty Life Committee announces its call for nominations for the annual Social Justice Award. This award recognizes the hard work of faculty members in bringing needed change to the College and demonstrates St. Olaf’s commitment to developing a more inclusive environment that will better foster a sense of belonging in our campus community. The Faculty Life Committee wishes to thank the College and the Provost’s Office for funding this award.
The award could recognize the work of a faculty member or a group of faculty in various campus settings:
- Demonstrating the importance of social justice in the classroom and stimulating conversation or action as a result.
- Nurturing a spirit of social justice through advising, mentoring, coaching, or other roles outside of the classroom.
- Contributing to needed institutional change.
Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to submit nominations via an online form by November 14 at noon.
- We welcome nominations from individuals, or joint nominations collaboratively written by multiple people.
- You may nominate a single faculty member or a group of faculty.
- Self-nominations are welcome.
Information on Student Clubs
In the post-affirmative action era, we will continue to support and encourage affinity groups for students, faculty, and staff. In compliance with court decisions affinity groups are open to all students. Our institution is deeply committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. All members of the St. Olaf community are welcome to participate in all student clubs and organizations. Clubs and Organizations centering on an identity or culture are open to all students.
Dedicated Affinity Groups for Faculty and Staff
If you want to learn more about our affinity groups and how you can get involved, reach out to your colleagues below:
Contact Marie New
Lavender (LGBTQIA+)
Contact Reginald Miles

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