St. Olaf College | Community and Belonging

February 2024


Dear Community,

February is Black History Month, a moment to pause, reflect, and think of the challenges and success Black individuals have experienced. Much work has been done, but there is still much work that needs to be done continuing and supporting our Black friends on and off the Hill. This is a month of reflection so please reflect and celebrate our Black students, faculty, and staff during this special month. 

The Office for Equity and Inclusion invites you to our Black History Month event, An Era of Conductors. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn where St. Olaf music has been and the journey it is heading featuring our four conductors. See below for event details.

I am very excited to share that registration has opened for the Inclusive Excellence Summit! During the Summit we will celebrate our work with equity and inclusion. Thank you to the community members who submitted proposals for this event. The Inclusive Excellence Summit Proposal Review Team — consisting of Corliss Swan, Jake Grossman, Chang Dao Vang, Mari Tototzintle Avaloz, and Marina Edlund; our two amazing students Zari Irving and Mexica Greco; and myself — reviewed each proposal and made some difficult decisions. Thank you to this great group for your hard work.

In addition, I am asking for Inclusive Excellence Award nominations for individuals within the community — whether they are students, faculty, or staff — who have gone above and beyond in regards to our work with equity and inclusion during the 2023–24 academic year. I encourage you to review and submit your nominations here by the February 21 deadline. Selected individuals will be announced during the Summit.

Wishing you all a wonderful February and a great spring semester,

— Dr. Reginald H. Miles
Interim Vice President for Equity and Inclusion 


Meet Members of Our Community

Student Spotlight
Zaria Irving ’25

From: Chicago, IL

(Individual Major) Professional Sports and Entertainment Management Major

Why did you select St. Olaf College as your academic home?
I chose St. Olaf because of the opportunity to create my own path, and that is exactly what I have been able to do. At St. Olaf I was given the opportunity to pave my own road in and outside of the classroom. This has afforded me the opportunity to really learn and have experiences catered to me and my specific education.

Please share with the community the clubs and organizations you have been involved in and the leadership roles you held.

  • Black Ensemble Treasurer
  • First-Year Senator
  • Black Ensemble PR
  • CUBE Treasurer
  • Late Night/Spirit Coordinator – Programming Board
  • Public Safety Advisory Committee
  • COO Oles Against Inequality – 1.5 years
  • Student Life Senator – 2 years
  • Head Football Manager – 2 years
  • SAAB Representative

What is your definition of an inclusive community?
An inclusive community is more than a space where people are welcome, but it’s also a space where people are respected and celebrated.  With an inclusive community it is vital for the community to be connected and understand how to support everyone in that community.

Who is/was your greatest historical figure and why?
I would say my favorite historical figure would have to be Maya Angelou. She had such a beautiful way with words, and when I needed a pick me up I always circle back to her. She really portrayed activism in a way that was effective for her but still made an impact, and that is something that I love tremendously.

What is your plan after graduation next spring?
After graduation next spring I hope to continue working in sports by working for a professional team for a season. Then after I complete that season, I plan to go to Law School for Business or Contract Law.

No one knows that I…
… collect mini plastic MLB caps.

Faculty Spotlight with Associate Professor of Music, Director of Jazz Ensembles
Joseph L. Jefferson

From: Jarratt, Virginia

B.M., Bachelor of Music | Norfolk State University
M.M., Master of Music – Pedagogy (Trombone) | Shenandoah Conservatory
DMA, Doctor of Music Arts – Performance (Jazz & Classical) | West Virginia University

When did you start your St. Olaf journey as a faculty member?
Fall 2023

Why did you want to work at St. Olaf College?
Working in a liberal arts setting has always been a dream of mine, and I’ve always heard great things about St. Olaf’s music department. However, it wasn’t until I visited the campus and interacted with the students and faculty that I realized how much I wanted to be part of this community.

What is your definition of an inclusive community?
To me, an inclusive community is a safe space where everyone feels valued and welcome. It’s a place where individuals can focus on their personal, academic, and professional goals without fear of judgment.

Who is/was your greatest historical figure and why?
One of my greatest historical figures was Mary Jane McLeod Bethune. She was an American educator, humanitarian, and civil rights activist. She understood the value of education and established Bethune Cookman University, dedicating herself to advocating for equal opportunities for women and African Americans.

What is your personal ‘tagline’?
#StayInIt is more than just a tagline to me — it represents the tenacity and dedication required to succeed as an artist and educator. Despite daily obstacles, I believe that staying consistent and committed will ultimately make difficult things easier. This is a motto that I apply both in my artistic pursuits and while guiding my students.

No one knows that I…
… own and have watched every Spike Lee Joint film.

Update from the Provost and Dean of the College

Susie Smalling has agreed to serve in the capacity of Director of Faculty Inclusion and Belonging. This role will be in addition to her service as Associate Dean of Social Sciences. In this new position, Susie will work with me and the Interim VP for Equity and Inclusion. She will provide guidance on a range of issues related to inclusion and belonging. She will also be a resource in the case of bias complaints, working with me to support faculty members named in complaints. Susie Smalling is Professor of Social Work and Family Studies and Associate Dean of Social Sciences. 

Experiences of Belonging and Support on the Hill:
Interviews with BIPOC Colleagues

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging are extremely important to our campus community. We completed the Co-Creating Inclusive Community Initiative last spring and shared our actions and accomplishments with the community in two open sessions. Unfortunately, our climate survey found that some of our BIPOC colleagues have a lower sense of belonging in the college community compared to other colleagues on campus.

To explore this further, the Interim Vice President for Equity and Inclusion has been conducting interviews on “Experiences of Belonging and Support” with BIPOC staff and faculty who have been employed at the college for at least six6 months..  Results from the interviews and focus groups will be shared with the college community in late spring 2024 and will be used to identify tactics to strengthen St. Olaf College’s path to inclusive excellence. More information to come.

St. Olaf Alumni and Family Board – Nominations

The St. Olaf Alumni Board is now the St. Olaf Alumni and Family Board! The board seeks nominations for new board members on a rolling basis. St. Olaf students, faculty, and staff are invited to share their ideas for candidates. Board members must be a St. Olaf alumnus or the parent of a current student or recent graduate. We are committed to building a diverse and inclusive board that reflects the community we serve and value nominations that bring unique perspectives. The board meets virtually throughout the year and on-campus in the spring and fall. Travel reimbursement may be available. Email Director of Alumni and Parent Relations Ellen Draeger Cattadoris ’07 to nominate an Ole today!


Save the Date! Inclusive Excellence Summit: You Belong
Tuesday, April 2 | 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. | Registration and More Information

An Era of Conductors – Q&A with our conductors
Thursday, February 29 | 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. | Viking Theater
Open to all members of the community. Refreshments will be served at 11:15 a.m.

Dedicated Affinity Groups for Faculty and Staff

If you want to learn more about our affinity groups and how you can get involved, reach out to your colleagues below:

Contact Marie New

Lavender (LGBTQIA+)
Contact Reginald Miles