Intent and Purpose
We are all responsible of holding each other accountable that the work of diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism is integrated into our work environment, curriculum, learning, spaces, operations, and interactions with each other.
“We understand that this is an important first step of an ongoing process. It is our hope that this leads us into the next part of our campuswide engagement around creating an inclusive Ole culture.”
Former Vice President For Equity And Inclusion
Bruce King
5A: Gather and regularly review and evaluate information from the community about the campus climate. Draw on reporting such as that linked to bias and harassment to identify issues needing additional attention on a unit-level or college-wide basis

5B: Incorporate consideration of candidates’ contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion in hiring and personnel tenure and promotion reviews

5C: Regularly report to the college community on progress toward achieving the goals of the Plan for Equity and Inclusion

5D: Celebrate the contributions of alumni, faculty, staff, and students who enhance equity and inclusion at the college