[Faculty Handbook Category #3]
Academic records are maintained by the Registrar of the College. Information contained in academic records relates primarily to the academic history of the individual student, e.g., grades, rank in class, grade point average (G.P.A.) and academic status.
A St. Olaf transcript is an official document of the complete, unabridged academic record, without omissions, of a student who has been or is currently enrolled at St. Olaf College. An official transcript is distinguished from an unofficial copy of the student’s record in that the official transcript carries the signature of the registrar and bears the seal of St. Olaf College.
Official transcripts are issued only upon the written request of the student. Unofficial copies of the student’s academic record are available to faculty and staff determined by the college to have a legitimate educational interest in obtaining this information. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Departments for their files on majors
- Faculty members responsible for selection of candidates for scholarships;
- Phi Beta Kappa for selection of members
- Individual instructors for recommendation and advising purposes;
- Individual entities authorized to obtain this information without a student’s prior consent in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Information about obtaining official transcripts may be found at https://stolaf-college.com/registrar/transcript-requests/