[Faculty Handbook Category #3]
St. Olaf College strongly encourages faculty to seek funding from government agencies and private foundations for support of their professional development and for the enrichment of the academic program of the college. Proposals prepared in the name of, or on behalf of, the college, or proposals that require any resources, commitments, or involvement on the part of the college must be authorized prior to submission. Authorization to submit a proposal may be requested using the Proposal Clearance Form.
The Office of Government, Foundation, and Corporate Relations (GFCR) serves as a resource for members of the college community preparing proposals for external funding. The GFCR office can:
- research potential funding sources for specific projects;
- gather and interpret guidelines and application materials;
- develop budgets;
- secure required signatures for institutional commitments;
- edit proposals; and,
- compile and mail proposals.
Additional information is available at https://stolaf-college.com/gfcr/.