[Faculty Handbook Category #1]
IT provides the St. Olaf community with both computing and A/V technologies.
St. Olaf Computing Policies
The St. Olaf computing systems and campus network support the academic mission and business functions of the college. As a result, recreational uses of the campus network and Internet are highly discouraged; in some cases access may be blocked. Individual supervisors may prohibit all forms of recreational computing (personal e-mail, web surfing, etc.) and all new employees are encouraged to consult with their supervisor regarding individual office policies.
As a member of the St. Olaf community, you are expected to know and abide by the computing policies set by Information Technology and the Academic Computing Policy Board. In addition, you are also expected to abide by all state and federal laws that pertain to information technology use. Please familiarize yourself with the campus policies at:
For more information about IT visit: https://stolaf-college.com/it/.