The First-Year Experience provides a foundation for college success through team advising, New Student Orientation, First-Year Seminar, Writing and Rhetoric, and St. Olaf Orientation to Academics and Resources (SOAR). There are three components to the First-Year Experience: the First-Year Seminar [FYS120], Writing and Rhetoric [Writing 120], and a year-long orientation to college academics and resources known as “SOAR”.
Wondering About the First-Year Experience?
Everyone has a different academic journey.
And we want to make sure you’re supported in
any path you take!

New Student Orientation guides your transition to living and learning within the St. Olaf community. From the day you arrive on campus until Fall classes begin, you’ll participate in activities to help you become part of your residence hall community, explore academic interests and resources, navigate campus, and develop a sense of belonging. You will also meet your SOAR leaders at this time and get to know fellow classmates in your SOAR group.
As part of your Fall and Spring First-Year Experience, you will participate in SOAR (St. Olaf Orientation to Academics and Resources). These small group sessions, led by highly trained SOAR peer leaders, provide time and space to create intentional community, access resources, and meet new people.
You may complete your First-Year Experience on one of two paths. You may take First-Year Seminar 120 and Writing 120 as individual courses, one in the fall and the other in the spring, OR you may enroll in a Conversations program.
Students who opt for the First-Year Seminar 120 and Writing 120 are split into two groups. One group takes First-Year Seminar 120 in the Fall and one group takes Writing 120 in the Fall. In the spring, students who completed First-Year Seminar 120 then take Writing 120, and students who completed Writing 120 take First-Year Seminar 120.
The Conversations programs focus courses around a theme that students engage with in multiple courses during one or two years, and through the Conversations, students may fulfill additional Core requirements beyond the First-Year Seminar 120 and Writing 120. You do not have to participate in a Conversations program; in fact, only 30% of incoming students do.
Most students complete both courses as part of the First-Year Experience, one in the fall and the other in the spring. Students who opt for the path of individual courses [First-Year Seminar 120 and Writing 120] are split into two groups. One group takes First-Year Seminar 120 in the Fall and one group takes Writing 120 in the Fall. In the spring, students who completed First-Year Seminar 120 then take Writing120, and students who completed Writing 120 take First-Year Seminar 120. For those students who opt for a Conversations program, they will fulfill the First-Year Seminar 120 in the fall and Writing 120 in the spring if they complete the program.
When registration opens, you will see only sections for the First-Year Experience course available to you, either First-Year Seminar 120 or Writing 120. You will receive several reminders through your St. Olaf email address about the registration process before registration opens. If you expressed interest in a Conversations program, you will be enrolled in that program as space allows beginning after May 15.
St. Olaf accepts AP (Advanced Placement) English, IB (International Baccalaureate) exams of ‘5’ or higher (IB), or Cambridge A-level scores on the exams that qualify for Writing 120 credit. If St. Olaf receives your scores by the time registration opens, you will select from First-Year Seminar 120 options since you will have earned the equivalent of Writing 120 through transfer credit.
Your First-Year Experience begins with advising before you arrive. Virtual advising sessions and a summer registration advisor will help you navigate registration resources and choose Fall courses.
Registering for the First Year Experience

When registration opens, you will see only sections for the First-Year Experience course available to you (either First-Year Seminar 120 or Writing 120, not both). Choose a course topic that interests you, and be prepared with alternate choices in case there is a time-conflict between your first choice and another class you are interested in taking.
If you have expressed interest in joining a Conversation program, you will already have that course listed in your schedule. Note that since there are fewer sections of the various Conversations programs, you will have less flexibility with your overall schedule should you choose to join one of those programs.
Because we randomly and evenly distribute students between the two courses, only students who receive AP, IB, or Cambridge English scores may switch from Writing 120 to First-Year Seminar 120 in the Fall. You can switch to a different section of your course if that section is still listed as “OPEN” in the Class and Lab. For example, if you register for FYS120 H and need to switch because of a conflict with another class you want to take, and FYS120 P is “OPEN”, you can make that switch.
St. Olaf Orientation to Academic Resources (SOAR) meets during Community Time on designated Thursdays. No other classes meet at this time, so you won’t have a conflict.