Our team collaborates with individual faculty and staff members, academic departments and programs to secure funding for a diverse range of initiatives, including scholarly research, artistic endeavors, professional development, student services, scholarships, teaching and learning initiatives, co-curricular activities, and more. Through these valuable partnerships with funders, we enhance the learning experience and contribute to the college’s mission.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, GFCR submitted 55 grant applications, seeking $7.5 million in funding. The college received approval for 27 grants, amounting to $5.6 million, while 29 grant applications, totaling $5.8 million, were declined during the same period.
St. Olaf is an institutional member of GrantForward, a specialized search database tailored for academic grant seekers. To initiate your exploration, sign up with your stolaf.edu email address from the link to the right. Additionally, consider establishing a Research Profile and generating curated lists. GrantForward offers features such as alerts for funding opportunities based on keywords you input or your curriculum vitae (CV).
Approval Form (Required)
All grant applications must be coordinated through GFCR. Prior to submission, Principal Investigators (PIs) and Project Directors (PDs) are required to fill out the online Proposal Clearance Form that captures essential details about the grant project. This form circulates pertinent information to college leaders for approval, including considerations such as whether the project seeks institutional support from the college. The Proposal Clearance Form also addresses conflict of interest and compliance questions, ensuring alignment with college policies and standards.
Members of the GFCR team are available to provide specific details about a funder or offer guidance on crafting a funding strategy aligned with your interests. For inquiries related to grants, please contact us at grants@stolaf.edu, and we will promptly respond to your inquiry.
55 grant applications submitted in FY2023
27 awarded in FY2023

Grant Stories
Post-Award Management
The oversight of post-award grant management falls under the purview of Greta Anderson, Grants Accountant in the Business Office, who is responsible for monitoring the financial activity associated with all grants received by the college. The Grants Accountant/Business Office offers comprehensive services for grant management, including setting up tailored accounting units, determining cost eligibility, and preparing budget reports. Monthly activities involve drawing Federal Agency Funds, participating in audits, providing guidance on Post Award Grant Procedures, and supporting the preparation of final grant expenditure reports and account closures.
Jodi L Malmgren
Interim Director of Government, Foundation and Corporate Relations
Emily Rose McManus (she, her, hers)
Assistant Director of of Government, Foundation, and Corporate Relations
Abbey Showalter-Loch (she, her, hers)
Associate Director of Government, Foundation and Corporate Relations
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