New Hire Paperwork
Emergency Contacts
Please provide HR with a minimum of at least one person they could contact in the event of a medical emergency. This must be completed in Oracle.
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Staff Handbook Receipt
Acknowledge you have received the Staff Handbook in one of the methods provided and will comply with its contents.
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Diversity Data Request
HR uses the data solely to generate statistics for the federally-required IPEDS report and our affirmative action reports.
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Information for Advancement
The data is shared with the Advancement Operations and Strategies department for their record-keeping purposes.
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Required Training Modules

Sexual Abuse Awareness
Equip yourself with an overall awareness of sexual abuse, discover potential warning signs, and learn how to prevent it on campus.
An email will be sent from Vector Solutions with instructions.
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Understanding & Preventing Sexual Violence
Learn about the prevention of sexual harassment and the prevention of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault.
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This required course covers a variety of essential topics like Social Engineering, Phishing, and Malware. A catalog of other short elective modules is also available. These electives include topics such as Working Remotely and Creating a Cyber Secure Home.
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FERPA: Confidentiality of Records
Learn legal terms related to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the general responsibilities of employees under FERPA, FERPA’s rules regarding confidentiality and disclosure, and the rights of students to access and inspect their own education records kept by the college.
An email will be sent from Vector Solutions with instructions.
Check Your St. Olaf Email to CompleteAll About the Ole Card
Your Ole Card is an all-purpose card that includes your photo on the front, along with your name and classification. It can be used to access meal plans, check out books from the library and gain admittance to certain St. Olaf buildings. It also is a debit card that can be used at the St. Olaf Bookstore, Print Center, Post Office, all Bon Appétit food service outlets and the Lion’s Pause.
In order to obtain your Ole Card, you’ll need to submit a photo of yourself following these guidelines.
Ole Alert
A text message service to provide timely information should campus operations be disrupted by major weather events or crisis and emergency situations.