International Students
Welcome to the Hill! St Olaf is home to international students from all around the world. From different backgrounds, religions, and cultures. We strive to create an environment that is rich and diverse in knowledge and perspective, through activities and programs that assist in the transition to life in the United States and at St. Olaf College.
International students
Countries and regions
different languages and dialects
Get to know what we do and who we are!

At St. Olaf, there are a number of exciting events that you can attend. From events that range from region to region such as Omkara to Karibu to events that combine and unite the world in International Night. This showcases world celebrations that enrich our perspective of the world and gives us a broader sense of the pride and tradition of groups.
Events Showcase

International students at St Olaf hold programs that bring speakers to campus, create dialogue, and inform everyone around us of issues that face countries and the world. The aim is to inform, discuss as well as take action against injustices that arise globally. By doing this there is the hope of creating change for the better. By sharing knowledge and experiences we hope people will make well-informed decisions.
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