Best Single Topic Issue
“World Views”
St. Olaf Magazine earned seven awards at the 13th annual Minnesota Magazine & Publishing Association Excellence Awards, including Gold for Overall Excellence and Overall Best Design, Silver for Best Cover (Spring 2008), Gold for Best Feature Article (A Bebop Life), Silver for Best Feature Article (Fire and Ice), Silver for Best Single Topic Issue (The Power of Knowledge, Winter 2008) and Bronze for Best Single Topic Issue (World Views, Fall 2008). St. Olaf Magazine also received a Gold Award for Best Alumni/Institution Magazine in the 2008 Pride of CASE V Awards.
Nesting Ground
By Marc Hequet and J. Trout Lowen
The United States needs more science and math graduates to ensure our nations’ competitiveness in an increasingly complex and technological world. St. Olaf College is doing its part to help meet that need with the creation of the new National Science Foundation scholarship programs targeting students in biology, math, and chemistry. .
Crossroads of the World
By David McKay Wilson
Like St. Olaf College, the International Summer School at the University of Oslo is dedicated to fostering multicultural understanding and international good will. St. Olaf students who study there take home with them not only their newly acquired academic knowledge and the magical experience of a Norwegian summer, but also a broader international awareness.
World Views 2008
Photo Essay
Winning entries from the annual Gimse International and Off-Campus Studies Photo Contest feature images from Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kenya, Peru, and more.
Consummate Integration
By Carolyn Nitz ’69
Norwegian Professor Solveig Zempel ’69 lives her heritage and pursues her profession in a uniquely intertwined fashion.
St. Olaf Q&A: Civic Engagement
By Kari VanDerVeen
Political Science Professor Dan Hofrenning offers students a front-row seat in presidential politics.
Almanac: “Frosh” Beanies
By Jeff Sauve
The tradition of wearing a green beanie began in 1909 with first-year St. Olaf men and, remarkably, lasted for 60 years.
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