In this Issue

From the Heart
St. Olaf Orchestra Conductor Steven Amundson is retiring after 40 years of leading an extraordinary ensemble, leaving a legacy of passionate and generous music making that’s been shared with all who have listened.
By Marla Hill Holt ’88

Global Engagement
Photos from the 38th Annual Gimse International and Off-Campus Studies Photo Contest
Photo Essay

Portrait: Mac Gimse ’58
A Living Treasure: Professor Emeritus of Art A. Malcolm “Mac” Gimse ’58, sculptor, poet, photographer, educator.
By Carole Leigh Engblom

Bound for Hudson Bay and Beyond
Natalie Warren ’11 and classmate Ann Raiho ’11 hold the distinction of being the first women to undertake a grueling 2,000-mile canoe route from Minneapolis to Hudson Bay.
By Lynette Lamb P’22
More Stories

The Tree Counter

Service and Leadership: The St. Olaf Alumni Achievement Awards

St. Olaf Records Goes Digital

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