St. Olaf Magazine earned seven “Excellence Awards” at the 18th annual Minnesota Magazine & Publishing Association Excellence Awards gala.The magazine was recognized with silver and bronze awards in overall design, feature design, cover design, feature article, profile article, and regular column. The highest honor of the evening, Gold for Overall Excellence, went to St. Olaf Magazine in the Education category.
What’s Inside
Table of Contents
Spotlight: Taiko Drumming
Water Science
Will Lutterman ’15 was inspired by his environmental studies course to pursue his passion: water research.
Moving On
By Andrew Wilder ’15 and Sophie Breen ’17
St. Olaf honors its 2015 faculty retirees: Eric Lund (Religion), Irina Walter (Russian), Bruce Nordstrom-Loeb (Sociology and Anthropology), Sigrid Johnson (Music), Wes Pearson ’54 (Chemistry), and Wendell Arneson (Art and Art History).
The Thought That Counts
By Erin Peterson
St. Olaf promises to teach its students how to think critically. But what is critical thinking? Why is it so necessary? And how do professors teach this vitally important — and profoundly difficult — skill?
A Slaying in Selma
By Joel Hoekstra ’92
The Selma-to-Montgomery voting rights marches of 1965 are remembered as key events in the American civil rights movement. Two days after a violent conflict between activists and local law enforcement known as Bloody Sunday, James Reeb ’50 answered Martin Luther King’s call for clergy to come to Selma, Alabama, to engage in the civil rights struggle. His murder in Selma 50 years ago sent shock waves across America and ultimately moved the country forward on the issue of racial equality.
All That Jazz
By Marla Hill Holt ’88
The St. Olaf Jazz Ensemble, with its world-class reputation, is led by the extraordinary Dave Hagedorn, whose passion for jazz inspires the students he teaches. Such excellence adds yet another layer to the outstanding musical education students receive at the college.
A League of Her Own
By Greg Breining
A longtime advocate for girls who want to play baseball, Justine Siegal ’98 made history by becoming the first woman to throw batting practice in Major League Baseball. Today, through her organization, Baseball for All, she is creating meaningful opportunities for girls to play the game.
Spotlight: Men’s Track Success
St. Olaf honors its 2015 faculty retirees: Eric Lund (Religion), Irina Walter (Russian), Bruce Nordstrom-Loeb (Sociology and Anthropology), Sigrid Johnson (Music), Wes Pearson ’54 (Chemistry), and Wendell Arneson (Art and Art History).
Alumni News
The 2014 Alumni Achievement Award recipients — Elizabeth Guenthner Nabel ’74 (Distinguished Alumni Award), Thomas F. Nelson ’69 (Outstanding Service Award), and Lynn M. Anderson ’75 — are honored for their lifelong achievements and professional contributions. The Music Man, by Amy Boxrud ’89, salutes Bob Johnson, longtime manager of St. Olaf Music Organizations. Plus, Class Notes, On the Shelf, Class News, Future Oles, Weddings and Deaths.
Almanac: Home Sweet Home
By Jeff Sauve
From 1947 to 1961, hundreds of St. Olaf students were housed at the foot of Old Main in a post-WWII housing complex dubbed Viking Court.
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