First-semester music majors begin formal musicianship studies. Students perform basic melodies and rhythms at sight, and notate dictations of basic rhythms, melodies and harmonic progressions. Students also analyze and compose Western tonal music employing the rubrics of rhythm and meter, pitch, intervals, scales, tertian chords, inversions, harmonic progression, and SATB voice leading. Does not count toward B.A. music major or any B.M. music major. Offered annually in the fall semester.
Prerequisite: concurrent registration in piano class (MUSIC 161) is strongly encouraged.
Music Theory
Music Theory Classes
Our theory department offers the required theory for our majors and concentrations and other upper level classes for the theory enthusiasts. If you desire an even more in depth look you can chose your own independent research or study.
Music Theory Faculty
Rachel Brandwein
Visiting Assistant Professor of Music – Harp
David Castro (he, him, his)
Professor of Music – Theory
Justin Merritt
Professor of Music – Composition and Theory
Mackenzie O'Dell (they, them, theirs)
Visiting Assistant Professor of Music
Christiansen Hall of Music 245
Catherine Rodland (she, her, hers)
Artist in Residence – Organ, Theory