Faculty member’s urban photography garners recognition

Affordable Housing in New York: The People, Places, and Policies That Transformed a City, published last fall by Princeton University Press, features photos by St. Olaf College Assistant Professor of Sociology/Anthropology David Schalliol. The book — and Schalliol — are gaining recognition for their portrayal of affordable housing.
Slate and Fast Company both have focused on Schalliol’s photography in the book. “At baby showers, sewing classes, and bingo sessions,” writes Jordan Teicher in Slate, “[Schalliol] captured a side of affordable subsidized housing that many New Yorkers rarely see: one that is functional, positive, and social.”
“The images I produced for the project don’t gloss over problems but reflect a sense that this is ‘home’ even with all of the complications,” Schalliol told Fast Company. An exhibition related to the book will open in Harlem this week.
In addition, Chicago’s WGN Radio has interviewed Schalliol about his online gallery of Chicago buildings slated for demolition.