Impact and inspiration: Meet the St. Olaf Alumni Board

Eirik Davey-Gislason ’97 | Jackson Heights, New York | Real Estate Agent with Halstead Real Estate
Impact and Inspiration: My father always said of my economics and theater majors, “If he doesn’t get the part, he can sell the tickets!” Well, after a 10-year career as a stage, commercial, and voiceover actor in Minneapolis and New York City, I decided to go into apartment sales rather than ticket sales. As an entrepreneur and independent contractor, I feel very fortunate to have been able to put both of my majors to work since leaving St. Olaf College two decades ago.
Alumni Board Ambitions: As a member of the St. Olaf Alumni Board, I intend to collaborate with the Chapter Committee to increase physical and financial involvement among alumni throughout the country. I will work closely with the New York alumni chapter to engage alumni in the area, introduce new ideas to benefit our alumni community, facilitate networking and career opportunities, and welcome St. Olaf alumni who are new to the New York area.
Mariah DuBose ’16 | Chicago | Consulting Analyst at Accenture
Impact and Inspiration: While on campus, I had the opportunity to study abroad during Interim and for a semester on Global. I believe studying abroad opens your mind to all of the endless possibilities life has to offer, and it awakens all of your senses. It challenges you to step outside of your comfort zone and take in the many attributes of the world that make it so great. I think every student should have the opportunity to study abroad because I believe it is the most enriching type of hands-on learning.
Alumni Board Ambitions: I would like to make a difference on the board by actively engaging alumni through alumni events and sharing work-shadowing opportunities for current students. I also hope to make a difference by reaching out to those who feel far removed from St. Olaf in order to find ways to connect them with the St. Olaf community and help them see the value of staying engaged.
Henry Latimer P’20 | Evanston, Illinois | Financial Advisor at Merrill Lynch’s Private Banking and Investment Group
Impact and Inspiration: I joined [the alumni board] to help St. Olaf from a current consumer’s — parent’s — perspective.
Alumni Board Ambitions: I hope to help with St Olaf’s efforts to increase diversity.
Lee Sather ’66 | Stillwater, Minnesota | Consultant/Coach
Impact and Inspiration: I really love the new theme “Oles Can. Oles Will.” As we heard at our board meeting, employers are looking for “agility” in college graduates. We can be proud of the many ways St. Olaf students are being prepared by a strong liberal arts foundation and an entrepreneurial spirit.
Alumni Board Ambitions: One of my commitments as an alumni board member is to network with alumni and students to help provide internships and “on the job” experiences. The Piper Center for Vocation and Career certainly has developed a good program, and I hope to contribute by finding alumni who can provide mentoring and coaching opportunities.
Janine Braman P’17, P’20 | St. Paul | Independent Educational Consultant
Impact and Inspiration: As the parent of two Oles — one graduate and one sophomore — I believe that college is more than an education; it is an experience! Along with a top-notch liberal arts education at St. Olaf, I value not only the strong sense of global and community engagement my children developed but also the unique, diverse, and inclusive relationships they cultivated as students. St. Olaf has certainly made a lasting mark on the lives of my children, and I hope that in some small way, my children have helped make St. Olaf a little bit better too!
Alumni Board Ambitions: As a member of the alumni board, I hope to help connect parents to opportunities to get involved and feel a part of the St. Olaf community. There are so many benefits to expanding the St. Olaf community to include active and engaged parents. I look forward to being part of the alumni board as it forges a stronger relationship with parents.