Seasonal St. Olaf backgrounds for virtual gatherings
St. Olaf College is known for its remarkable beauty. And when this campus is covered in snow, we daresay it’s even more magical than usual to walk around the Hill.
With our normal traditions and class schedules being disrupted this season, we wanted to share a little bit of the magic of winters past — virtually.
Below, you’ll find 15 Zoom background images to help set the mood for your virtual gatherings. Click on the image to save it to your computer, or download all 15 images here.
We also launched our first winter-themed filter for Facebook and Instagram users. Like us on Facebook to use it in your stories. On Instagram, search “St. Olaf Hoarfrost” or visit the filter tab on our Instagram account @stolafcollege from your mobile phone to try or add this filter. Using the filter, you can record virtual greetings that mimic walking through the quad under trees flocked with hoarfrost.