New Student Orientation Schedule
The schedule for New Student Orientation (NSO) is carefully curated with key information and connections to best kickstart your journey on the Hill. Click on the below tab to view an overview of the Move-in Day schedule and check back in late July for the full NSO schedule.
If you are looking for the New Student Orientation: Transfer TrackSchedule, click here!
Residence Hall Move-In (8:00am-1:00 pm)We can’t wait for you to move-in to your new home! All incoming students will have a designated move-in time slot that you will select on the Student Information System (SIS). Residence Life staff are excited to welcome you and assist your move-in process. Please no early arrivals as we will not open doors until 8:00 am. |
President meet-and-greet & College Book signing (9:00am-12:00 pm) – QUADTake a moment to meet St. Olaf’s President, Dr. Susan Rundell Singer out on the campus Quad and have a chance to sign the College Book. There will be another opportunity to sign the College Book at the Closing Reception on Wednesday afternoon! |
Resource Fair (9:00 AM-1:00 pm) – Buntrock Commons CrossroadsThis is an opportunity to ask questions of offices and services available to you on campus and beyond. These include the Student Accounts, Financial Aid, Student Employment, Information Technologies (IT), Health Services, Public Safety, Transportation, and more! |
COMMUNITY Lunch (10:30 AM-1:30 pm) – STAV, BUNTROCK COMMONSLunch is available continuously during this time. Come enjoy a taste of Bon Appétit! New Oles will use their meal swipe for the first time; family members will purchase a lunch ticket for only $5/person (with a $20 family limit). To save time in line, purchase tickets ahead of time! |
TRANSITION time (1:30-3:00 pm)Want a little time to travel around campus with your family? Take some time to wrap up and say goodbye to any guests that have traveled with you as they will be asked to depart campus after the next event. This is also a good time to drive back to the residence hall and load the car with items you will send back home (empty bins/boxes, etc)? |
A St. Olaf Welcome (3:00-3:45 pm) – SKOGLUND GYMNAsiumWelcome to St. Olaf! This program is designed to welcome new students and their families to our community. Come learn a few campus traditions and hear from College leadership about their take on your journey ahead. Time to say your final “see-you-laters” at the close of the ceremony. |
A Family Farewell (3:45-4:15 pm) – SKOGLUND gymnasiumAs students transition to the start of their New Student Orientation experience, families and guests are invited to hear from the Dean of Students and Director of Alumni and Parent Relations about how to support your student from off the Hill and how stay connected with St. Olaf. This event is the final activity for families and guests. |
Kickoff to Orientation (4:00-4:30 pm) – Tostrud ICE ARENALet’s get your New Student Orientation started! Today you begin your life on the Hill as an Ole, but what does that mean? What can you expect from your new community and how can you best contribute to it? Come learn more in your first meeting as the Class of 2028! |
SOAR Group Activities & DInner (4:45-7:00 pm)It is time to meet your SOAR Group! Led by two or three St. Olaf Orientation to Academics and Resources (SOAR) Leaders, you’ll navigate much of NSO with your SOAR Group! During this time you’ll get to know your new classmates, take a tour of campus, and eat dinner together. |
Residence Life Activities (7:30 pm) – residence HallHere at St. Olaf we are proud of our vibrantly residential community. You’ll end your first day in your residence hall meeting with professional and peer support staff and getting to know your roommate and neighbors. |
OPEN MORNINGSpend some time setting up your room, chatting with your new neighbors, planning for the day, or getting out for a walk/run in the Natural Lands. We leave the mornings open for you to get your day started that’s best for you. |
Morning worship/volunteer choir (10:30-11:30 Am) – boe chapelCome enjoy Christian worship in beautiful Boe Chapel with Pastor Matt and Pastor Katie. Share your love of singing by being part of the volunteer pick-up choir — practice will begin at 9:15 am. Breakfast Before Boe happens in the Undercroft at 9:45 am! |
SOAR Lunch (11:30 AM-1:30 pm) – STAVEnjoy lunch with your SOAR groups and take steps to make initial connections with your College Advisor. |
ole experience workshops (9:00-11:30 am) – viking theater, buntrock commons |
1:1 advising meeting – various locations |
Lunch (11:30 AM-1:00 pm) – STAV |
ole experience workshops (9:00-11:30 am) – viking theater, buntrock commons |
1:1 advising meeting – various locationsEvery student will have one, 30-minute 1-on-1 session with your college advisor. This session will happen only once between Monday-Wednesday. Please check directly with your advisor for the exact time and place of your meeting. |
Lunch (11:30 AM-1:00 pm) – STAV |
ole experience workshops (9:00-11:30 am) – viking theater, buntrock commons |
1:1 advising meeting – various locationsEvery student will have one, 30-minute 1-on-1 session with your college advisor. This session will happen only once between Monday-Wednesday. Please check directly with your advisor for the exact time and place of your meeting. |
Questions about the schedule?
Contact our team at
Summer Connections
Looking for a way to connect with other Oles before moving to campus!? Try attending a Summer Virtual Space! Choose one or as many as you would like. Check out all the affinity and social spaces available to you and be sure to click the registration link to save your spot!