Thank you so much for taking the time to review the information we’ve listed in this checklist. Although we’ve done our best to make sure that the information transitioned from Lawson to Oracle is accurate, we may have missed something or made a mistake. We need your help to ensure that the data that is our foundation in Oracle is as accurate as possible.
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Printable VersionFrom the Oracle Team
If you find an error: if you see the “Pencil” icon next to an item, you can make the correction yourself. Please do so. Otherwise, please send a ticket through the Oracle HelpDesk Ticketing System identifying the mistake, and we will correct it.
New information: we will need you to add some new information into Oracle, and we will let you know where to do so.
If you have a question: access the Oracle website and view the relevant video or quick reference guide. Or use the Oracle HelpDesk Ticketing System.
Personal Information page

Personal Details tile
Name Section:
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Preferred / Current Name
- Professional Last Name
- Title (Mr., Ms., etc.)
Demographic Section:
- Ethnicity
- Note: a check (✓) next to “I am Hispanic or Latino” means that identify as a Hispanic or Latino. Otherwise, leave the line ( __ ) blank.
- Races you identify with
- Note: a check (✓) next to a race means that you identify with that race. Otherwise, leave the line ( __ ) blank.
- Martial Status
- Note: please enter today’s date (the date you are updating the information in Oracle rather than the actual date of your marriage or change in status)
- Highest Education Level
- Note for staff: Highest Education Level is an optional field for staff (as it was in Lawson, our previous system). Please do NOT submit a ticket at this time asking us to enter your Highest Education Level, as we are currently focusing on bugs and fixes arising from the recent implementation. Many thanks.
- Veteran Self-Identification
- Gender Identity
- Because the federal government and our Benefits providers use the Gender Binary, we are required to use it for certain purposes in Oracle. We have included Gender Identity to better reflect the range of identities in our community.
National Identifiers section:
- There is nothing to edit here
Biographical Info section:
- If your birthdate is incorrect, please submit a ticket.
Contact Info tile
Communication section:
- Home Phone
- Note: please enter your area code in the Area Code field every time you are asked to submit a phone number.
- Used to contact you in case of an emergency; only visible to Human Resources
- Home Email
- NOTE: please do NOT check the “Primary” box.
- Used to contact you in case of an emergency; only visible to Human Resources
Address section:
- Home Address
- Please pay extra attention to the entered County for your location
- Used to send you required information, only visible to Human Resources
Family and Emergency Contacts tile
Here, you will need to add your emergency contacts. Please include all family members and dependents who participate in the college’s benefits program. Oracle will not have any previous contacts. If no persons are added, they will NOT receive benefits.
Note: “What is the start date of this relationship” is where you enter today’s date, the date you are entering the information into Oracle
Emergency Contact: check the box to the left of “This person is an emergency contact” if you would like to designate that person as an emergency contact.
Note: please add a phone number, with the Area Code in the Area Code field so that we can reach your emergency contact by phone.
Employment Info tile
If any information in this section is incorrect, please submit a ticket.
- Assignment Section
- Note: if your “Business Title” includes a drop-down menu, you have more than one Assignment. Your FTE will be split between or among these assignments.
- Example: staff with multiple job titles; faculty with joint appointments
- Manager
- Seniority Dates
- Direct Reports (if applicable)
- Note: includes all of your direct reports, including students who report to you
My Compensation tile
If any information in this section is incorrect, please submit a ticket.
- Current Salary
- Note: if your “Business Title” includes a drop-down menu, you have more than one assignment and your salary will be allocated between the two assignments
Additional Person Info tile (Faculty Only)
- Tenure
- Note: please confirm the dates (the dates may be blank if they occurred before a certain date or if tenure doesn’t apply to you)
- Rank
- Committee Terms
- Note: please confirm current and prior information (dating back to 2018)
- Faculty Administrative Position
Pay page

Document Delivery Preferences tile
- Delivery of tax and wage documents
- Note: your current tax document has not been carried forward into Oracle. Please make a new election.
Payment Methods tile
- Confirm your Bank Account(s)
- Confirm your Payment Methods (i.e., Direct Deposit)
Tax Withholding tile
- Federal Tax Withholding
- Note: Scroll down and click on the arrow in the bottom-right-hand corner to expand and review.
- Regional Tax Withholding
- Note: the word “Regional” means “state
- Note: Scroll down and click on the arrow in the bottom-right-hand corner to expand and review.
Time & Absence page

Absence Balance tile
- Confirm Absence Balance
- Exempt staff: your Absence Balance will be shown on January 1st. If you need your current balance before then, please check Employee Self-Service.
- Note: your initial Absence Balance will NOT include the last payment in December. Your balance will be updated after the last payrolls in Lawson have been submitted.
- Exempt staff: your Absence Balance will be shown on January 1st. If you need your current balance before then, please check Employee Self-Service.
Add Absence tile
- Non-exempt staff: please add absences from December 16 forward
- Exempt staff: please add absences from January 1 forward
Current Time Card tile
- Non-exempt staff: please enter your time from December 16 forward
Calendar tile
- Useful for tracking absences
- Note: the calendar will show generic shifts that may or may not match your schedule. The college is NOT using the calendar module for shifts.
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