Below are some frequently asked questions concerning parking on campus. If you have other questions, please email or call (507) 786-2972.
Q: Is the Parking Policy in effect over the weekends?
A: Yes. The parking policy is in effect year-round, even on the weekends and breaks!
Q: I got back to campus late, so I parked by my Residence Hall for the night. When I came out the next morning, I had a ticket. What gives?
A: All vehicles parked on campus must display a current parking permit and be parked in their designated area. If you do not have a parking permit, you can call Public Safety at 507-786-3666 to meet with an officer and purchase a temporary permit. Temporary permits allow you to park in the overflow area (Lot B) and cost $30.00 for seven (7) consecutive days.
Q: My friend borrowed my vehicle and received a ticket. What do I do?
A: It is the responsibility of the permit holder to be sure anyone using their vehicle parks the vehicle in the designated area based on the type of permit displayed. Also, the permit holder is responsible for any citations issued on their vehicle. You must pay the ticket or file an appeal.
Q: I got a ticket, but I want to appeal it. What do I do?
A: An appeal of a citation must be filed within seven (7) days from the date the citation was issued or the right to appeal will be forfeited and the amount of the fine billed. To appeal a citation, complete the Google Form with all the required information. All student and faculty/staff appeals shall be reviewed by an appeals committee. The appellant will be notified by email of the committee’s decision within two weeks. The appeal committee’s decision is final and there are no further appeal options. Public Safety staff cannot void a citation once it has been written except for a legitimate visitor.
Q: Do I need a permit for just one day?
A: Yes, temporary permits are available for seven (7) consecutive days and cost $30.00. These permits can be obtained by calling Public Safety at 507-786-3666.
Q: What if I need a permit for only a week? Do I have to buy a semester-long permit?
A: No. A temporary permit can be purchased for $30.00/week (7 days).
Q: What’s the difference between a temporary permit and a visitor permit?
A: A temporary permit is for students who will have a car on campus for a short period of time. A visitor permit is for non-students who are visiting campus overnight or for a few days. A visitor permit can be obtained by contacting Public Safety at 507-786-3666. Visitors on campus only during business hours do not need a visitor permit. Registered students cannot be considered a visitor.
Q: When does the “boot” get put on vehicles?
A: Any vehicle that does not display a current permit or is unknown, may be booted at any time. The owner must either purchase a permit for the remainder of that term, or the vehicle must be removed from campus for the remainder of the year. Any vehicle parked on campus property that does not display a current permit and has accumulated three (3) parking citations will be booted. Vehicles deemed suspicious or appear to be abandoned may also be booted by Public Safety. If your vehicle has been booted, call Public Safety at 507-786-3666 to have the boot removed. If a vehicle is booted and the operator does not contact Public Safety within 48 hours, the vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense.
Q: What if I need to park somewhere other than my assigned lot temporarily?
A: Parking outside residence halls and other campus buildings is only allowed for up to 15 minutes with hazard lights on.
Q: I’m switching permits. What do I do with my old permit?
A: Remove your old permit to turn it in for a free replacement. Otherwise, the replacement fee for lost or stolen permits is $25.
Q: My assigned parking area is full. What do I do?
A: If your assigned lot is full, you must call Public Safety at 507-786-3666 for instructions on where to park.
Q: I’m on the waiting list for a parking permit. Where can I park my vehicle?
A: Parking permits are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are on the waiting list, you can park your vehicle off-campus on city streets at your own risk. Make sure to follow all applicable parking regulations. You can also obtain a temporary 7-day parking permit for $30 by calling Public Safety at 507-786-3666.
Q: Can first-years apply for a parking permit?
A: Students are not eligible to obtain a parking permit during their first year. Exceptions are granted for students who reside 250 miles or more from campus.