Visitors to the campus during business hours do not need a permit.
All visitors to St. Olaf should park only in parking areas designated as “Visitor Only”. For more information, click here to view the policy on visitor parking.
Visitor permits will not be issued to St. Olaf students who are currently registered as a student.
Note: Visitors do not pay for parking at St. Olaf. If you are a visitor and received a citation, please send an email to with your citation number and license plate number so we can update our records.

Admissions visitors should park in the admissions lot (Lot F), located just northeast of the roundabout. If you coordinated your visit with the admissions office, you should see a personalized reserved parking space just for you!
To see exactly where on campus this lot is located, click HERE.

General visitors to the college should park in the Buntrock Commons parking lot (Lot A). The first two rows are reserved specifically for visitors.
To see exactly where on campus this lot is located, click HERE.
Overnight visitors must be registered using the Residence Life Overnight Guest Form. Once approved, overnight guests may obtain an overnight visitor permit (11 pm – 7 am) by contacting Public Safety at 507-786-3666. An officer will meet the visitor (and the student who is being visited) at their vehicle to issue the permit. Overnight visitors must park in the Buntrock Commons parking lot (Lot A). Host students will be held responsible for any parking violations of their guest, including citation fees.
To see exactly on campus where this lot is located, click HERE.
Residents are expected to inform guests of college policies and residence hall regulations. Hosts are responsible for the actions of their guests. Those guests not in compliance with college policy may be asked to leave campus, and their hosts may face disciplinary action.