Coaching and Resources
The Piper Center supports students and alumni interested in careers in law. When you’re ready to explore what’s next, meet with one of our pre-law career coaches, Leslie Moore or RJ Holmes-Leopold, by scheduling an appointment through Handshake.
Click on Explore the Law and Apply to Law School for advice and resources.
Leslie Moore (no pronouns)
Associate Director, Career Development and Coaching, Pre-Law, Graduate and Professional School
Pre-Law Internships and Experiences

St. Olaf Sponsored Internships and Research

Internships, Research, and Fellowships

Jobs, Gap Year, and Fellowships

Graduate or Professional School
out of the top 20 law schools accepted St. Olaf graduates between 2014 and 2022 (U.S. News and World Report 2022).
Average St. Olaf law applicant LSAT score in 2022 compared to the national average of 154.
of St. Olaf graduates were accepted to law school in 2022 compared to the national average of 70%.

Lawyer in Training
Bolden hopes that a career in transactional law will give her the time and resources she needs to continue doing pro bono work. Eventually, she’d like to assist sustainable development funds in raising capital for renewable energy innovation — a connection that harkens back to her environmental studies major at St. Olaf.
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Law & Order
By providing students with strong writing and analytical skills, hands-on legal experience, and a supportive alumni network, St. Olaf College prepares Oles well for a career in law.
St. Olaf to host law school dean for ACE Fellows Program
Once selected, each fellow applies to a host institution where they feel they can learn from the president and their leadership team.
“We all do better when we all do better”
“The value of my liberal arts education was tremendous. It enabled me to adjust and learn, think critically, and envision a future,” Hunter says. “I also made fantastic lifelong friends due in large part to the college’s residential setting and a great football team. CUBE can enhance that experience and help develop students who are going to help us keep getting better down the road.”
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Reflections on studying democracy and the arts

Students explore careers in law in the Twin Cities with Piper Center Connections Program

Career Conversations: Julia Jackson Mackenzie ’03 & Matthew Mackenzie ’03