The Spanish Program at St. Olaf approaches language as more than just a mode of communication. More than 485 million people in the world use Spanish as a first language, including more than 50 million in the United States. Spanish is the vehicle of cultures, beliefs, and experiences of wide-ranging, transnational communities. Studying Spanish at St. Olaf empowers students on multiple paths to enter a variety of professions and engage ethically in the multilingual society of the United States and beyond.
We welcome and seek to nourish students from all linguistic backgrounds and with diverse lived experiences. In our program, students examine critically and reflect on cultures, languages, histories, and literatures of the Spanish-speaking world. Beyond the classroom, students can share meals and spaces, enjoy events organized by student organizations that uplift Latin American and U.S. Latinx experiences, and take part in Spanish Program celebrations. There are also opportunities for community engagement and participation in the larger Latinx communities beyond campus.
We invite you to become a part of the “Familia Ñ” at St. Olaf!
Typical First-Year Schedule
- FYS 120 or WRIT 120 or Conversation Program
- SPAN 111-250 or 251*
- OLE Core/Elective
- OLE Core/Elective
january term
- OLE Core/Elective or SPAN 240
- FYS 120 or WRIT 120 or Conversation Program
- SPAN 112-250 or 251*
- OLE Core/Elective
- OLE Core/Elective
Additional Information
- All students who want to take Spanish must complete the placement survey/exam in order to be able to register (see “Placement” below), including students with no previous Spanish experience, who will complete a simple, one-question survey. Your placement will appear in your SIS under “Advising Information.”
- International students who have studied in Spanish in their home country and wish to take Spanish courses should contact the coordinator of Spanish placement through <>.
- Register for the level in which you are placed.
- Prospective Spanish majors should begin their study of Spanish fall semester of their first year.
- Other students interested in Spanish should begin their study of the language at some point during their first year. There are multiple entry points through the academic year: Spanish 111–Fall only; Spanish 112, 231, and 232–Fall, January Term, and Spring; Spanish 240, January Term (by application only); Spanish 250 and Spanish 251–Fall and Spring.
- Note: Spanish 240 is an off-campus study January Term in Puerto Rico. Prerequisites: completion of Spanish 232 or placement into Spanish 250/251.
- General questions about transfer of credit for AP (Advanced Placement), IB (International Baccalaureate), Cambridge A Levels, PSEO (Postsecondary Education Option) and CIS (College in the Schools) related to the completion of the World Languages and Cultures (WLC) in Spanish should be directed to the St. Olaf College Registrar (
- Transfer students interested in majoring in Spanish should contact Prof. Kristina Medina-Vilariño (
- The online survey/placement exam in Spanish can be found on our website. Questions about Spanish placement can be directed to <>.
- Depending on your placement results, students may be eligible to take the Spanish Proficiency Exam to fulfill the foreign language requirement. Check for information on this exam. Contact: Prof. Kristina Medina-Vilariño (
Informational Events
Nothing at this time.
Chair, Department of Romance Languages – Ariel Strichartz (
Spanish Placement – email
Spanish Proficiency – Kristina Medina-Vilariño (