Any request that is medical in nature must be submitted to the Office of Disability and Access.
Residence Life will pair students in Enduring Questions with each other. In order to support all students needs, some students in Enduring Questions may be paired with a student who is not a member of Enduring Questions.
Students in Enduring Questions live in Ellingson Hall.
It is required and must be submitted by all students regardless of your preference to participate in either the Roommate Linking or the Roommate Pairing process.
Yes, they will pick their roommate through the housing operation system. When the portal open mid-June, students will be able to view other students’ profiles and connect using their St. Olaf emails. Profiles consist of the student name, email address, and their answers to the five questions (see above).
No other form is required to be completed.
Many students will select the Residence Life team to review their Roommate Inventory & Housing Questionnaire profile and identify their roommate. Through Roommate Pairing, Residence Life reviews the entire profile.
Roommate Linking is also an option for a student. The student will be provided five criterions by to search the portal. Students will be able to utilize the St. Olaf email address/username to communicate with their potential roommate. If students initially choose Roommate Linking and mid-process decide it’s not for them, they may opt back in to Roommate Pairing, by clicking here.
Roommate announcements for students who selected Roommate Pairing will be announced from mid-July through August 1.
There are not designated all-gender bathrooms. Single-user bathrooms are provided within Ellingson Hall and Kildahl Hall.
Everbridge, is an app that connects students to public safety while on campus or to local police if off campus.
Recruited athletes may indicate to their St. Olaf coach that they would like to live with either a teammate or another athlete from a different team. Coaches communicate with Residence Life staff who facilitate Roommate Pairing accordingly. If students decide to opt out of living with a teammate or another athlete, they may notify Residence Life directly.
The residence halls open for returning students on Labor Day at 9:00 a.m. incoming first-year students arrive the Saturday before the returning students.
Residence halls are always locked. St. Olaf students may access a locked residence hall with their St. Olaf ID. Between 11 p.m.–7 a.m. a student may only access the locked residence hall they are assigned to live in.
Students have access to their rooms during every break.
All buildings are co-ed, usually by floor.
Cable television is provided in the lounge(s), but not student rooms.
No linen service is provided, however each hall has laundry facilities available for students to use. There is no additional cost for students to use the washers and dryers on campus.
Each residence hall has limited space available for storage of trunks, luggage, and full boxes. Storage rooms are open Monday and Thursday evenings from 7-7:30 p.m. We do not allow the storage of the following: bicycles, furniture, refrigerators, empty boxes, flammables.
The Wall Street Journal, Star Tribune and USA Today are available in the main lobby of each residence hall.
The only pets allowed are fish. Fish tanks may be no larger than 15 gallons.
Room measurements are available on each individual Residence Hall section of the Residence Life website.
First-year residence halls are not air-cooled. We recommend that students bring fans.
Residence halls that are air-cooled are: Hill-Kitt Halls, New Hall, Rand Hall Townhouses and Ytterboe Hall.
All rooms are equipped with a bed, mattress, dresser, desk, and desk chair for each student in the room. All windows have blinds and/or draperies. All college owned furniture must stay in the room.
Rooms in Ellingson, Hilleboe, Hoyme, Kildahl, Larson, Mellby, Rand, Thorson, and Ytterboe Halls are carpeted.
All rooms are equipped for immediate wireless network access.
Students may not nail things to the walls. Students are responsible for any adhesive items used on the walls. Room damages are charged to residents at the end of each year.
No, the college provides a refrigerator/freezer/microwave unit in each student room for students to use.
In the Residence Halls the furniture provided does allow for the possibility of lofting and bunking if students choose. Lofting equipment is limited and not guaranteed. To loft students need to check out a loft kit – which they can do at check-in at no cost. Students are not able to reserve a loft kit before checking-in.
The Townhouses do not allow for bunking/lofting of beds.
We do have bed rails available for students to check out to put on their beds if their bed is lofted or if they are the top bunk.
All residence halls have twin extra long mattresses (36″ x 78″).
There are all-gender options in Hill-Kitt Halls, Kildahl Hall, New Hall, Rand, the Townhouses and Ytterboe.
Occasionally, a student might require certain accommodations to ensure accessibility of on-campus housing, such a residence hall with an elevator; ground-level entry; or a room in close proximity to the bathroom.
Students who believe they have a need for disability-related housing accommodations are required to submit a Campus Life Accommodation Request through Disability and Access for consideration. If assistance is needed in completing the form, please contact DAC at dac@stolaf.edu, or visit us in Tomson Hall 153. Please refer to the Reasonable Accommodation for College Housing Requests policy for additional information.
Submitting a request and meeting with an Access Specialist is an annual requirement for those seeking disability-related housing accommodations.
Not usually. This requirement is aligned with our mission as a Residential College and only those with exceptional circumstances are approved to move off campus. Students who feel they have an exceptional circumstance may complete the Residential Housing Exemption Application.
Students will not be required to move their belongings out or return in their key for breaks.
All students have mailboxes in Buntrock Commons. There is also a central mail room where students may pick up any packages mailed to campus. Packages are not delivered to the individual residence halls or college houses.
Mail should be addressed with the student’s first and last name, and street address 1500 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN 55057-1574.
There are bicycle racks located in various locations both in the residential area and near the academic buildings for students to secure their bikes.
St. Olaf became a tobacco-free campus beginning September 1, 2021.
Possessing, distributing or consuming illicit drugs and alcoholic beverages is prohibited on campus.