Residence Hall Association (RHA)
Welcome to the Residence Hall Association (RHA). RHA is a representative body that operates under the support of the Department of Residence Life.
RHA serves as an organization that supports the on-campus living experience for all campus living spaces, including residence halls, townhouses, and any other residential facilities under the management of Residence Life.
The Council of Chairs provides RHA with the voice of each residential building/community. We invite you to think about your voice and ability to impact your respective community. There is value to on-campus living and it begins with you! Read below about how to get involved.

Who We Are
RHA is a National Student Led Organization whose purpose is to create new avenues for student input and change-making on a cross-campus basis that benefits the Residence Hall community.

What We Do
We create new opportunities for student engagement, leadership, and development within our residential education framework.

Who Can Join
- Any resident can participate in our Residence Hall Association
- Students can particiate as a general body member or be elected into RHA positions
- Any student can participate in committee meetings or providing support at programs and events.

Available Positions
President - Preside over all RHA meetings and events, create committees, serve as a RHA representative in various college settings, and fulfill RHA objectives
Vice President - Coordinate RHA programmatic initiatives, Provide support for and act as President in their absence, Record and Update Hall Council Registry and update voting representatives.
Secretary - Record and distribute RHA minutes, record attendance at all RHA meetings and events, maintain the RHA website and any social media.
Treasurer - Maintain all financial records and oversee RHA expenditures, develop and maintain an annual budget, able to report on RHA budget
National Communication Coordinator - Build and maintain communications with regoinal and national organizations, Re-affiliate RHA in May, Coordinate delegation selection, registration, and travel arrangements, attend all conferencs as St. Olaf's voting representative.
Council of Chairs - Residence Hall Council Chairs serve as their respective Hall's RHA representative and will bring back RHA news to their Residence Halls. Will also hold office hours once a week to help foster.
Hall Council
Hall Council is the sponsoring body for cultural, social and recreational programming for each residence hall.
Organization and committee structure vary from hall to hall and year to year to meet the needs of students in the specific hall. In addition to hall-wide programming, Hall Councils assist in legislating residence hall policies regarding noise control, damage and other community concerns.
Hall Councils have an opportunity to advocate concerns of the residence hall community by:
- Keeping the residents informed of residence hall activities and issues;
- Seeking information from residents to relay to Hall Council;
- Coordinating the planning and implementation of educational, social, cultural, recreational and spiritual activities within the residence hall;
- Recommending, with the guidance of the Hall Council Advisor, individual residence hall policies regarding noise control, damage, and other mutual concerns;
- Assisting the Community in matters pertaining to the physical condition of the hall;
- Encouraging concern for the quality of life and community development in the residence hall.
While all residents are contributing members of their hall council, there are several formal leadership opportunities that are selected at the beginning of each academic year in collaboration with the Residence Life staff in each hall.

Who We Are
Hall Council is a formal group of residents within a given hall or community on campus operating within the Residence Hall Association framework.

What We Do
The goals of a Hall Council include but are not limited to: providing creative and constructive engagement to members of its community and to better understand and improve upon its respective community.

Who Can Join
- Any resident of a residence hall can self nominate and/or be nominated for an elected position.
- Any resident can be appointed to a Standing Committee
- Any resident can be appointed to a committee
- All residents are welcome and encouraged to attend Hall Council General Body Meetings.

Available Positions
- Chair – Oversees Hall Council and represents hall at RHA
- Vice-Chair – Coordinate and manage programs/events
- Communications Officer – Take minutes, write reports, and manage correspondences
- Operations Officer – Treasurer, Fundraising, and Hall Logistics
- Floor Representatives -Represents floor and serves on hall committees