Finding a Program
Each year the Smith Center for Global Engagement offers study abroad/way programs in Africa and the Middle East, Asia, Europe, North, South, and Central America, and the Pacific that meet students’ needs and interests. You can study with a group or venture out as an individual. Some programs extend the scope of particular majors, language concentrations or area studies. Program vary considerably in cost, structure, and the cultural opportunities they present. St. Olaf offers semester, year, summer, and January Term programs. Finding a program can be hard. Watch the video to help in your exploration of programs.
1. Find your Program

Types of Programs
Smith Center offers a variety of programs internationally and within the US and its territories.

Setting Goals
It is important to set goals based on the experience students hope to have.

Searching for a Program
Learn how to search for a program in the Smith Center database.

Programs by Area of Interest and Major
Smith Center offers different types of programs to meet student’s needs and interests.

Semester & Year Programs with Internships
Some Smith Center programs have the option of participating in an internship.

Programs by GPA
Click here to view the minimum GPA requirements for Smith Center semester and year programs.

Talk with the Smith Center
Attend a Study Abroad/Away 101 Session and meet with a Smith Center Advisor virtually or in person.

First Year Students
The opportunity to apply is available to all current St. Olaf College students.

Disability & Access Accommodations
The Smith Center works with students to make study abroad/away accessible for students.

Identity While Abroad/Away
Study abroad/away is open to all St. Olaf students regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and physical/mental health.

Stories from Oles
Read about other Oles who have studied abroad/away.

Program Blogs & Social Media
Read about Ole experiences from blogs and follow a program on social media.
2. Start your Application

How to Apply
St. Olaf has a 2-step application process for some of their programs. Learn how to apply to each term and the application deadlines.

Frequently Asked Questions
Visit this page to have some questions answered. Can’t find the answer? Email smith.center@stolaf.edu.

Applications – Terra Dotta
Login to start or continue an application(s).

Talk with an Advisor
There are a vareity of ways to learn about studying abroad/away. Make an appointment with the Smith Center to learn more the application process.

What Comes Next?
Learn about what happens after submission of your St. Olaf application.

Transfer Credit Study Abroad/Away
Learn about the process and policies for pursuing non-Smith Center approved study abroad/away programs for transfer credit.
3. Financial Aid & Scholarships

St. Olaf students receive St. Olaf financial aid while studying abroad/away on a Smith Center program, with the exception of work-study awards.

There are scholarships outside of St. Olaf and within St. Olaf available to students who study abroad/away with the Smith Center.

Scholarship Framework
All students that study with a Smith Center program are automatically considered for a study abroad/away scholarship.

Financial Aid
It is important to work with the St. Olaf Financial Aid Office to achieve the best possible financing for your study abroad/away program.

Program Fees Explanation
All students participating in St. Olaf College abroad/away programs pay St. Olaf tuition and additional program costs.

Cancellation & Refund Policies
All cancellations must be sumitted in writing to smith.center@stolaf.edu. View our policy to learn how to withdraw from a program.
4. Taking Courses Abroad/Away

Academics Abroad/Away
St. Olaf students who study abroad/away receive St. Olaf credit and are on track to graduate.

Credits, Grades, Majors/Concentrations, and OLE Core
Ensure you’re enrolled in an appropriate amount of credit while abroad/away and understand how many St. Olaf credits each course will receive

GE/OLE Core Searchable Database
The Registrar’s Office maintains a list of pre-approved GE/OLE Core credits.

Program Specific Credit/Grade Translation
Grade and credit equivalency can vary based on the program a student paricipates in.